F/A18C Stick/Throttle programming made slightly easier...

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F/A18C Stick/Throttle programming made slightly easier...

类型 - Device Profiles
上传者 - indymaddog
日期 - 2024-02-05 02:27:27
Excel file to make creating a stick profile easier...
NOTE:  Updated the vLOOKUPs so this fully works now, sorry about the mess-up before

Open Excel file
on tab "FA-18CHornet"...assign the buttons you want to use for the Stick or Throttle
Use Joy_BTNXXX for each line you want to assign based on the stick/throttle you are using.
>>In this file, I use the WinWing Throttle/F15EX Handles...and the F16EX Stick (diagrams are included)
>>I left a base configuration in the file (note the weapon-select is in the wrong order...so give it a try making changes)
If you use Joystick_Diagrams to make PDF's of your files...I also uploaded my SVG templates for that program too...

Open your FA18C LUA files (Throttle and Stick)
>NOTE:  These files tend to be located at C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\DCS\Config\Input\FA-18C_hornet
>NOTE:  I use Notepad++ but you can use anything you want, even Notepad will work for this
> Notice the section "keyDiffs" ...
>>Remove everything after the { to the end of the file so it looks like this:
>>>["keyDiffs"] = {
return diff

>>Go back to Excel from beginning step and use the filter to hide "N/A" lines
>>Copy the remaining lines (Column B5 to the end) and paste them directly after the "{" after keyDiffs...
>>Save and close
you should be good to go.

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  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 350.34 Kb
  • 下载数: 262
  • 评论: 1