**BRAND SPANKING NEW** The Sh*tStains Hi-Vis + Low F15E Official Team skin (Name still in progress) "The Sh*tter" ((HI VIS))

主页 > 用户文件 > **BRAND SPANKING NEW** The Sh*tStains Hi-Vis + Low F15E Official Team skin (Name still in progress) "The Sh*tter" ((HI VIS))
DCS World 2.8

**BRAND SPANKING NEW** The Sh*tStains Hi-Vis + Low F15E Official Team skin (Name still in progress) "The Sh*tter" ((HI VIS))

类型 - 涂装
上传者 - vibecheckdoctor
日期 - 2023-09-13 13:53:07
Remember me? We are back in business with the Brand Spanking New F15E Team Skin! (Name still awaiting approval) (Hi-Vis And Lo-Vis available From profile Due to Sizing issues) (Took me like 20 minutes)

Have you ever wanted to become a Sh*tStain? Well! now you can with the brand new Sh*tStain F15E Team Skin (Name still awaiting approval). Was only created to sort the needs of the members (6 People) You can now get it as well! go and do your shitstainery on any server you want, and maybe you might be what we need for another absolute *******  Sh*tStain pilot!.

(Easter egg - F18 and poop markings, Only the real ones get it)  

(New Mascot - Captain Under Pants)

(Low Vis skin can be downloaded from my profile)
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 任何语言
  • 大小: 207.54 Mb
  • 下载数: 53
  • 评论: 0