Poser's T.16000M FCS HOTAS DCS Aircraft Button Mapping Profiles Slide Deck (PPTX)

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Poser's T.16000M FCS HOTAS DCS Aircraft Button Mapping Profiles Slide Deck (PPTX)

类型 - 静态模板
上传者 - Delmustator
日期 - 2023-09-10 18:46:20
Thrustmaster T.16000M HOTAS System Button Mapping Deck for ALL DCS Aircraft (PPTX)

This PowerPoint (PPTX) slide deck is designed to be your single point of reference (SPoR) for all your DCS aircraft button mappings when using the Thrustmaster T.16000M HOTAS system. This PowerPoint slide deck can easily be edited using Microsoft PowerPoint (paid software) or LibreOffice Impress (free software). Everything is in one place, easily editable, easily printable.

Note that LibreOffice Impress alters the fonts in the slide deck somewhat. So some work is needed to fix the fonts if you use Impress.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 919.66 Kb
  • 下载数: 116
  • 评论: 2