Janosian Air Self Defense Force 305th Tactical Fighter Squadron "Sakuras"

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Janosian Air Self Defense Force 305th Tactical Fighter Squadron "Sakuras"

类型 - 涂装
上传者 - AWACS_Bandog
日期 - 2023-09-04 01:52:03
Purchased in 1960 through the Emmerian Foreign Military Sales, the F-5E became a critical backbone to the Janosian Air Defense Force as a cheap, lightweight fighter to counterbalance the heavier F-4Cs and F-104s they had in their inventory.

Over the intervening years the Janosian F-5Es have become a formidable opponent with domestically produced block upgrades, including AGM-84 'Harpoon' missile capabilities, data linked into a controlling AEWC or Surface asset.

The 305th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Sakuras, is one of the final F-5E Squadron’s in Janosia however, with a bulk of F-5Es being retired in 2000 thanks to the far superior F-2A. Currently the Tiger is expected to be retired fully in 2026 in favor of the F-2A.

Ace Combat inspired skin. Neither the country or unit is based on the lore.

Comes with one skin.

Pilot wears unit-accurate patches.

Hope you enjoy!

Please contact me on Discord at AWACS_BANDOG#7420 for any questions or bug-reports, thanks!
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 不允许分发
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 50.19 Mb
  • 下载数: 136
  • 评论: 1