Su-25M1K Digital & Anti-mikola camo (+Pilot in MM-14 uniform) | UA !2 Versions!

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Su-25M1K Digital & Anti-mikola camo (+Pilot in MM-14 uniform) | UA !2 Versions!

类型 - 涂装
上传者 - 117Chugun
日期 - 2023-07-10 20:31:54
一 The basis of the skin is made - @IRRE Storfyr
一 MM14 uniform in cockpit - @TheRealTrickFlare

一一一一一一Digital Su-25 with anti-mykola camouflage elements and pilot in MM-14 uniform一一一一一一

! Please, if you will use the MM-14 pilot's uniform (, then indicate me as the author in your "liveries for the DKS" !
! To put it, you need to write these 2 lines in the notebook - "description.lua" -
         {"pilot_SU27", 0, "pilot_su25ua", false};
         {"pilot_SU27_patch", 0, "empty", true};

一The contents of the file:
一1 Anti-mikola Digital Camo - 299th Tactical Aviation Brigade UAF (digital camo with anti-мікола elements all over the fuselage, has an ace of spades and a pfff meme that's also duct taped)
一2 Anti-mikola Digital Camo - 299th Tactical Aviation Brigade UAF (digital camouflage with anti-микола elements throughout the fuselage, has shark jaws, and the Ace of Spades card is taped)

                      installation path:
***\DCS World\Bazar\Liveries\su-25\ (Upload file here)
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 其他
  • 大小: 74.56 Mb
  • 下载数: 817
  • 评论: 2