Fw-190A-6, White 9 as flown by Heinz-Gunther Luck - with and without swastika

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Fw 190 A-8

Fw-190A-6, White 9 as flown by Heinz-Gunther Luck - with and without swastika

类型 - 涂装
上传者 - JG1 Vonrd
日期 - 2023-06-12 00:33:45
Focke Wulf Fw-190A-6 of 1./JG1, White 9 flown by Heinz-Gunther Luck, W.Nr. 550375 at Schipol,Holland, September, 1943.

Leutnant Heinz-Gunther Luck was originally assigned to I./JG 1 and spent a short time with II. /JG 1. By the end of WWII he had 6 aerial victories, all were B-17s. Five victories were earned with I./JG 1 and one with II./JG1. One of his I./JG 1 FW-190A-6 victories came at the expense of the B-17 “Flak Happy” from the 96th BG, 337th BS that was shot down on October 8, 1943 at Neuscharrel, Germany. Lt. Luck’s personal insignia displayed on the left side of the aircraft is his dog “Lucki”.
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  • 大小: 120.05 Mb
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