Hogs in the Sand

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A-10C II

Hogs in the Sand

类型 - 单机任务
上传者 - dscross
日期 - 2023-03-28 02:46:01
This is an A10CII mission loosely based on the payload, distances flown from bases, and targets as told in the book "Hogs in the Sand." Instead of the A10A this mission uses the A10C2.

You and your (AI, but you can change that to Client if you want to fly with a buddy) wingman will takeoff before dawn from King Hussien Airbase and fly to your assigned kill box just across the Jordan-Syrian-Iraqi Border. (There's a tanker on the way if you get thirsty.) The radios are set, there are multiple targets, and it isn't expected that you'll clean out your kill box in 1 sortie. You can fly to H4 to rearm and refuel as this was the procedure as descried in "Hogs in the Sand". You can change your payload and it won't (shouldn't) break the mission. The payload as described in the book is 2XAIM-9 6X- MK82 LD and 2x AGM-65. I threw in a targeting pod and some SUU-25 flares to make your life easier, but feel free to revert back to the original old school payload. (or go full on silly and use laser rockets, whatever.)

Have fun and enjoy the mission.

NOTE: I forgot to add this version of the mission uses the WWII assets pack for search lights and such. There is an A10A version of this same mission without the WWII assets pack if you don't have it.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 不允许分发
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 7.47 Mb
  • 下载数: 570
  • 评论: 6