F16C Viper Formation Trainer - Beginner, Advanced & Night Flying

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F16C Viper Formation Trainer - Beginner, Advanced & Night Flying

类型 - 单机任务
上传者 - 617.Evil
日期 - 2023-01-08 18:53:40
Updated: 7/1/23: Now containing three missions, one for beginners and two for more experienced pilots.

These are both sustained flight formation practice missions that takes approx. 25-30 minutes to complete if you fly to completion, but can be flown for any smaller amount of time as well. You have the freedom to fly and practice any formation you'd like.

There are detailed briefings accompanying both missions.

Mission takes place in the Caucuses region. No enemy threats of any kind are present.

Beginner mission stays at a single altitude and speed, with no winds, clouds or anything to contend with. A perfect mission to cut your teeth on.

The advanced missions requires more radical turns, altitude changes, and flying through heavy cloud cover both on ascent and descent, significantly increasing the level of difficulty. There is one version that takes place during the day, and one at night. NVGs are enabled for the nighttime mission.

These missions are also a part of my 'Viper Practice and Proficiency' Mission Pack, which now includes 64 individual missions, and covers many aspects of the Viper and is updated monthly. Download here: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3328191/

Inspired by other formation trainers I've played, I wanted to make my own, and in particular one that had enough time between turns to wh ere you can really dial in your path and airspeed and get a feel for flying in tight, perfect formation with another aircraft. Where it looks like your flight lead is frozen in the air because you're matched up perfectly, just like when you're on the boom trying to refuel.

I tried to make it as interesting as possible, though. The setting is the coast at sunrise. The clouds are broken with an 8k foot ceiling.

But other than that this is straightforward. You fly as close as you're comfortable with for as long as your comfortable. There's no grading, no pass, no fail. You are the ultimate barometer of success.

File names both begin with PROFICIENCY to make them easy to find. One is labeled beginner and the other, advanced.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 34.22 Kb
  • 下载数: 1684
  • 评论: 4