VR performance fix for Ju-88 bomber formations

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DCS World 2.7

VR performance fix for Ju-88 bomber formations

类型 - 其他
上传者 - Tally Mouse
日期 - 2022-08-19 16:34:42
Modification of the Ju-88A4.lods file such that the LOD distances are set correctly for the poorly sized LOD models - improves VR performance when viewing formations of Ju-88 from a distance.

Overwrite "Ju-88A4.lods" in primary game folder "....DCSWorld\Mods\tech\WWII Units\Shapes"  (not "saved games")

The file modifies the LOD settings for the Ju-88, and replaces the farthest distance models with the B-17 model (where it is so far away you cannot tell), as the original Ju-88 edm files have been poorly decimated, or are simply missing - only 3 levels of LOD were made for the Ju-88 and the complexity of each is unnecessarily high for the view distance.    This helps when attacking large formations of Ju-88 in VR, as it optimizes performance and ensures that you maintain a good frame-rate while closing in on a large WW2 bomber formation of Ju-88.

  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 任何语言
  • 大小: 235 字节
  • 下载数: 49
  • 评论: 0
标签: ww2, ju88, VR