VFA-103 (Jolly Rogers) skin for Superbug F-18F mod (v2.1)

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VFA-103 (Jolly Rogers) skin for Superbug F-18F mod (v2.1)

类型 - 涂装
上传者 - Se7en50
日期 - 2022-07-02 18:42:46
VFA-103 skins for the F-18F Super Hornet (Superbug mod v2.1)
*Update v4*
-updated .lua file to conform to Superbug mod v2.1 changes

*Update v3*
-decreased the amount of weathering (much cleaner look)
-Tailflash of CAG changed to a bigger skull&crossbones

*Update v2*
-Updated the cockpit details. Basically took the CJS stock cockpit details and copied it to my liveries to include:
-Minor details of the wheel-well of all landing gears.
-Minor details to the landing gear doors.

If you downloaded these skins before, download these if you want the latest.

This is a set of skins for the F-18F Super Hornet mod (Superbug v2.1). I recreated a few skins for the infamous VFA-103 Jolly Rogers. This pack contains:
-Bort Number 200
-Bort Number 201
-Skin for Line (No Bort Numbers assigned)

For Bort Numbers 200 and 201, an additional skin for the FPU-12 fuel tank is included.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 不允许分发
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 86.11 Mb
  • 下载数: 1673
  • 评论: 3