Operation Mountain Lion [singleplayer]

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DCS World 2.7

Operation Mountain Lion [singleplayer]

类型 - 战役
上传者 - PhoenixSims
日期 - 2022-05-25 02:03:51
Autumn 1991: Following the breakup of the Soviet Union, Georgia has joined NATO for
protection against any future Russian aggression. Meanwhile to the north of the Georgian
capital, Chechnya is at war. Unsatisfied with merely gaining independence, Chechen militants
seized on Russia’s disarray and have violently expanded their borders westward towards the
Black Sea with little opposition. Sympathetic to their fellow Muslims, Iran has deployed a small
contingent of volunteer forces to the region in hopes of deterring a Russian counter offensive
and mediating a peace deal. After joining NATO Georgia has sought to procure new Western
fighter jets to replace their aging fleet of MiG-21s. You play as “Walker” and “Stone,” two USMC
Hornet pilots that were selected to demonstrate the capabilities of the F/A-18C to the Georgian
Air Force.

Trailer https://youtu.be/Qs0pMCoRwHg

AI Wingman control:

Missions 2, 3, and 4 are strictly air-to-air missions and you need to control your wingman with the default radio commands.  In the rest of the missions the AI is scripted to behave mostly autonomously.
1. On mission start the AI will begin taxi to the runway and will takeoff first if you let it, after takeoff it will begin to orbit at a point near the airfield.  Once the player is at 2000ft AGL that will trigger the AI to rejoin and it will follow you to the mission area.
2. When you enter the mission area the AI will begin to act pretty intuitively, breaking formation and orbiting in the target area (CAS) or proceeding directly to hit its objective (strike missions).
3.  In CAS missions you will often be prompted to instruct the wingman whether to attack the target or hold position with the F10 menu.
4.  When the mission is complete the AI will rejoin and follow you back to base.  When you enter a ~10mi bubble around the airfield the AI will break off to land.
5.  Several missions have the option for aerial refueling, you can top off either before entering the target area or on the way back.  When you are ~3/4 mile from the tanker your wingman will break formation to get gas and will rejoin on you when its done, this only works once per mission.


-There is currently some unknown issue that stops the campaign from automatically advancing after missions 3, 5, and 6.  For now after you finish those missions just hit the skip button.
-Land based campaign, super carrier module not required.
-If voiceovers are too quiet enable hear like in helmet, turn helmet sounds to 100% and adjust cockpit sound as needed.
-All voiceovers are played as sounds and do not require radio tuning, any mention of "tune channel xxx" is for flavor only its not necessary for the player to do anything.
-The triggers in this campaign are pretty lenient and JTACs won't start yelling at you if you go about CAS taskings in your own way.  That being said there are some targets that will be easier to spot or line up if you follow the instructed attack heading.
-No complicated success triggers, landing after 10 minutes will advance you to the next mission.  
-Although the story is set in 1991, the briefings currently say 2005.  If/when manual INS update is implemented I'll change it to '91.

Voiceover credits:

Cowboy11-  Matt Armstrong https://thev-eh.com/
Cowboy12-  Showtime 6-1 | SixBravo
Blackjack- WmD Kelly    
Merlin-  Randolph Chenowth
Overlord-  Wolfpack345
Echo31-  Tricker
Boar11- Waffle 1-1
Magic-  Jabbers
Texaco- Mike “RustBelt” Zaite
Sherman11- Douglas E. Fresh, Esq.
Warlord-  Jackie Sinnott
Hawg11-  Growling Sidewinder
Stingray- Controlled Pairs
Speedo11-  Nanne118
Dragon11 + Raptor 31- Mike Youngblood
Blade21 + Ghost31- Thatdude253
Blade22 + Mayflower11-  mulcibre
Ghost21 + Blackjack staffer-  MrYenko
Popeye21-  Jolly_Chief
Ford11-  Erik Gault
Speedo12-   Fabian
Kodiak21-  Boss_Cyan1d3
Sherman12- LtReborn
Boxer11-  Rebecca Jensen Uesugi
Boxer21-  kyle35
Ghost11-  NosliwReborn
Ghost12- Sean Holst
Hammer21- Rissa M.
Boxer12-  Phoenix Simulations
Boxer22-  Bloodhound


v1.1 (March 25 2022)
-added the missions to a proper campaign format with the campaign builder
-added a note to mission 5 briefing regarding a current DCS bug

v1.2 (Jan 8 2023)
-due to unknown issues with scoring in certain missions causing problems with campaign advancement I'm reverting from the campaign builder back to standalone missions
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 199.91 Mb
  • 下载数: 2887
  • 评论: 20