[v1.1.1] [AH-64D] German 3-Color Flecktarn Camouflage

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DCS World 2.7

[v1.1.1] [AH-64D] German 3-Color Flecktarn Camouflage

类型 - 涂装
上传者 - feanturi3
日期 - 2022-04-03 12:58:00
Camouflage inspired by the German air force "Eurocopter Tiger" for the AH-64D Apache.
The skin includes the camouflage (obviously, duh), translated warning/info stickers, german flag on tail and german aircraft unit number "64 + 17" on the flank.

- ONLY EXTERIOR (for now, but more to come)!

This skin is a camouflage which is based on the german Eurocopter Tiger camouflage, essentially being a 3-colored version of the german "Flecktarn" camouflage used for all kind of vehicles.
Obviously it is fictive as neither is it the 100% accurate nor does the German air force, as far as I am aware, actually use the AH-64D (or other versions of it).

➔ v1.1.1 - 2022-04-09:
  - added "kein halt" decals for laser warn sensors backside just below main rotor (tough to spot haha)

➔ v1.1.0 - 2022-04-08:
  - tint exterior cockpit glass slightly darker
  - add numbers "fin_bort_number" (not sure where they are used, but hey now they are properly textured, too)
  - remove camouflage from some tail rotor parts

➔ v1.0.0 - 2022-04-03:
  - base 3-color Flecktarn exterior (with translated warning/info stickers)

### CONTENTS ###
This package contains "only" one skin:
1. "German Luftwaffe - 3-color Flecktarn"
  3-color Flecktarn camouflage with translated stickers, german flag on the tail and the (fictive) german aircraft unit number "64 + 17" on the flank (basically instead of "United States").

The steps required to use this skin are the usual ones:
1. Download zip-archive :)
2. Unzip contents somewhere and open the directory
3. Move the "German Luftwaffe" directory into the DCS livery directory for the AH-64D (on usual Windows systems this would be "C:\Users\<YOUR USER>\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Liveries\AH-64D_BLK_II" or without the ".openbeta" if you are not using the open beta of DCS)
5. Start up DCS, hop into the AH-64D and switch into the new skin
6. Have fun :D

### ROADMAP ###
Here is a list of some things I have planned to do or have already done with these skins:
[✓] Exterior camouflage
[✓] Translated warnings/signs
[  ] Cockpit (will probably be the same as for my 5-color Flecktarn skin)
[  ] Pilot uniform / helmet? (will probably be the same as for my 5-color Flecktarn skin)

If you see any weird texture behaviour, have some cool ideas for these skins or even just have a question regarding the skins: Feel free to tell me in the comments!
For those of you who are like totally into aviation and know the exact terms on the AH-64D in german and my "translations" are waaaaay off, please tell me and I will happily update the skin! For some of the english terms I simply could not figure out what the german term would be xD

  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 不允许分发
  • 语言: 任何语言
  • 大小: 191.02 Mb
  • 下载数: 739
  • 评论: 5