George's Tank Range

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DCS: World 2.5

George's Tank Range

类型 - 联机任务
上传者 - George412395
日期 - 2020-10-04 14:22:06
A simple range for using Combined Arms. Designed for up to 4 people.

Phase 1 (Intro) : Mineral Vody: Drive tanks down the runway to establish driving controls.
                          South Min-Vody: Drive tanks into the woods and into to smash trees and light poles
                          Hill Chase :  See how fast you can get your tank down the hill.  The challenge is to set your controls to accomplish the downhill.
                          Beach dump:  See which vehicles float and which sink near Sochi Beach
Phase 2 (Gunnery) : N of Gutada (SIC),  Practice shooting trucks at different ranges with different ammo and different vehicles.
                                Glenzeck (SIC), Sink the Ships
Phase 3 (Live Gunnery) :  Krymsk: Shoot the RPG gunners, they shoot back.
                                         Sochi: Shoot Tanks, they shoot back
                                         Gutada (SIC) Shoot tanks with different Vehicles, They Shoot Back
                                         Helicopters:  Shoot down Helicopters with tanks.  I set this up for videos so One person has to fly while the other shoots the helicopters down.
                                         Fixed Wing: Shoot Down F-18s and P-47s. I set this up for videos so One person has to fly while the other shoots the planes down.
Phase 4: PVP:                   Maykop,  Kill each other, Enjoy
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 88.31 Kb
  • 下载数: 296
  • 评论: 4