DCS F-16CM Viper Day/Night Kneeboard for Normal/Scramble Operations (V.03)

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DCS F-16CM Viper Day/Night Kneeboard for Normal/Scramble Operations (V.03)

类型 - 文档
上传者 - hughlb2@gmail.com
日期 - 2019-10-07 06:32:55
This detailed kneeboard includes day/night versions, and normal/scramble operations. This detailed kneeboard includes day/night versions, and normal/scramble operations. It uses information from the F-16C Flight Manual, but it has primarily been designed to work cohesively with the Eagle Dynamics F-16C Guide, and video tutorials by Matt Wagner. The airborne refuelling, and TGP sections are based on RedKite's comprehensive tutorials. (Both day/night versions total 7 pages, including the cover, in V.03, sample screenshots are of the cover, page 2, and page 6).

Matt Wagner's tutorial videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/wagmatt/videos
RedKite's tutorial videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/RedKiteRender

Installation instructions:
Folder "F-16C_50" needs to be copied to the following location:

Open Beta:
"C:\Users\your name\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Kneeboard"
"C:\Users\your name\Saved Games\DCS\Kneeboard"

Further notes:
Both day and night variations are included in folder "F-16C_50". Files beginning with the letter 'D' are day, and 'N' night. Keep both sets in the folder, there is no conflict, or delete the set you do not wish to use.

Version notes:
V.03 - Minor amendments, additions, subtractions throughout
        - PG4: Prior to entering runway section reordeded and amended
        - PG5: Pattern section reordered and amended
        - PG7: Litening section added
V.02 - Fixed cover "PURPLE TEXT" description - Now "HOTAS FUNCTION"
        - Added cover "LIGHT GREEN TEXT" - "REFERENCE HUD"
        - Coloured HUD reference on page 6, column 2
V.01 - Includes startup, flight, shutdown, emerg, air refuel
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 不允许分发
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 10.34 Mb
  • 下载数: 4530
  • 评论: 21