Roughness improve Liverie/Mod for Mirage 2000C (JSGME Ready Liverie)

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DCS: World 2.5

Roughness improve Liverie/Mod for Mirage 2000C (JSGME Ready Liverie)

类型 - 涂装
上传者 - Mav783
日期 - 2019-02-08 22:55:48
Here is a modification for the roughness textures maps on the Mirage 2000C to improve reflections rendering.

Files edited/added are :
- description.lua

IMPORTANT : This liverie is the exact same than the formal "AdA Chasse 2-5" but is called "AdA Chasse 2-5 Roughness Mod".
Install it as an usual liverie !

How to :
To work, this mod need to be placed in the "_Mods" folder to be detected by JSGME or directly in the "liveries" folder of the Mirage 2000.
I made a  .ZIP with a full liverie (JSGME Ready !) and edited the "description.lua".

How to install with JSGME :
1) Simply place the folder (unziped) into  : *Your HD*:\DCS World\_Mods
2) Activate it with JSGME
Work also with OpenBeta

If you dont use JSGME, place the folder (unziped) here :
*Your HD*:\DCS World\CoreMods\aircraft\M-2000C\Liveries\M-2000C
Work also with OpenBeta

WARNING ! (update) : This mod cause client protection error (red shield) IF you only install the files into the textures folder of the Mirage 2000... That will NOT allow you to play with it in multiplayer.  BUT it will permit ALL your Mirage 2000 liveries to apply the Roughness mod...

Enjoy !
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 任何语言
  • 大小: 36.44 Mb
  • 下载数: 478
  • 评论: 5