MiG-21bis green cockpit mod

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DCS World 2.8

MiG-21bis green cockpit mod

类型 - 插件
上传者 - 59th_Reaper
日期 - 2019-01-17 11:32:16
Working green cockpit mod for the DCS:MiG-21bis module.

Install instruction in "Detail" section! ;)

Install: No need to overwrite anything, just unzip the file (with directories) to your "Saved Games\DCS or DCS.openbeta" folder! After you did it, you can choose the "Green" cockpit livery in the Special menu!

Have fun! ;)

Edited by 59th_Reaper
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 俄文
  • 大小: 36.7 Mb
  • 下载数: 812
  • 评论: 8
标签: MiG-21, cockpit