DCSW A-10c - Georgian Hammer Campaign (Patch for Game) (v1.55x)

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DCS: World 1.5

DCSW A-10c - Georgian Hammer Campaign (Patch for Game) (v1.55x)

类型 - 战役
上传者 - MadDog-IC
日期 - 2017-02-01 07:15:01
This is the Georgian Hammer Campaign for the A-10c that comes with the game by default, that has fixes applied to make missions work as originally intended.

These missions are all Eagle Dynamics original work, but over the course of time, patches, and programming errors have arisen to break the missions, so I have corrected them as best I can and to make them a little more realistic and to work properly.

Fixes Done by MadDog-IC

Installing the replacement Updates
- Copy the "Mods" directory from the Downloaded ZIP file into your "..\DCS World\" directory and overwrite all files.
- Run DCS Campaign from DCS as usual


Installing as a seperate USER Campaign mod
- Make a new folder "A-10c - Georgian Hammer" for the campaign in: c:\Users\yourusername\Saved Games\Dcs\Missions\Campaigns\EN\
- Copy all the files from the "Campaigns" folder from the archive to: c:\Users\yourusername\Saved Games\Dcs\Missions\Campaigns\EN\A-10c - Georgian Hammer
- Run DCS the Campaign from the USER campaigns TAB.

Changelog: 1.0 23-06-2016

Fixed Player aircraft for testing with AI driver (Allowed testing with out having to fly whole mission myself)
- Changed take off waypoint altitudes and positions to stop flight flying off into oblivion due to altitude being set to low and take off turn to short.
- Programmed to loiter around target locations
- Made immortal - Turned off (immortal(off)) after mission verified
- Made no reaction to threat
- Made to RTB on out of cannon ammo
- Made Game Commander available so I could control platoons, etc, via F10 other Radio commands - Turned off after mission verified.

Fixed some Late Activations
- Some Flight not set as late activation, although they have trigger to activate them.
Airport congestion
- Fixed - Flights couldn't land properly, sent to other airfields.
- Fixed - Taking off Aircraft stalled on runway because of debris, put aircraft into other parking bays.

Changed Sead flights
- Longer ranged missile payloads
- Modified starting positions and waypoints

Mission win flag conditions
- Changed - Win conditions in all missions from (Flag 50) to (Flag 100), as (Flag 50) was already used for un-holding some flights.

Convoy Flag Conditions
- Fixed - Added some new flag true(x) as convoys was not advancing correctly

Finally - Tested Radio triggers and most logic to make sure all missions work
- Show (Mission complete) for successfully doing what is asked of you
- Show (Mission Failure) for Losing the platoon your suppose to guard, etc
- Radio commands that are added for support aircraft and for controlling ground armoured platoons are now messaged.
- Radio commands to advance platoon movements are all tested and verified to work correctly.

Changelog: 1.1 24-10-2016

DCSW v1.5x Compatability upgrade
- Changed all RU-CAS and US-Sead Flights - Reaction to Threats = Evasive Vertical Maneuvers, Jettison Restrict = ON
- No testing of this campaign under dcsw v1.5x, just a straight conversion from v1.216 format due to time constraints.

Changelog: 1.2 26-01-2017
- Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights and Ground platoons=MadDog-IC.
- Added - Extra Radio calls to get Ground Platoons you are providing CAS for, to pop marker flares on request.
- Changed - US Ground Radio 1 zone from 60000 -> 35000 to fix timing on US-Ground Platoons radio calls.
- Changed - US-Ground and RU-Ground Platoons speeds from 20kph -> 40kph.
- Changed - All US-Farp and RU-Farps, due to missing their names and frequencies.
- Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Radio commands that are added for support aircraft and for controlling US-Ground armoured platoons are now messaged and voiced.
- Radio commands to advance platoon movements are all tested and verified to work correctly.

Common BUGS in all missions since going to DCSW 1.55x
- (BUG) (US-SEAD can't hit the side of a barn, With anti-radiation aim-68 missile fall short or goes long and misses) (BUG)
- (BUG) (US-CAS A-10c can't hit the side of a barn with wind corrected CBU-105's, they float away from targets and never kill anything (BUG)
- (BUG) Some US-Armour convoys randomily getting stuck on bridges and buildings, etc. (BUG)
- (BUG) Batumi airport US-Support vehicles position - Moved from apron because causing landing planes to disappear if near them. (BUG)
- (BUG) US-Ground Platoons usually running slower than they are set at in the waypoint speeds (Doesn't seem any speed diff betweeen 20kph or 40kph. (BUG)
- (Not BUG) Changed Payloads for all F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120B+C missiles as per ED's changes. (Not BUG)

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 0-0 (Fam Flight).miz
- Triggers
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - (BUG) Changed - Batumi airport US-Support vehicles position - Moved from apron because causing landing planes to disappear if near them. (BUG)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 1-1 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights and Ground platoons=MadDog-IC.
    - Added - Extra Radio calls to get Ground Platoons you are providing CAS for, to pop marker flares on request.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - Changed - All US-M1A1 and US-M2A2 armoured platoons to guard / escort, made (Visible before Start).
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 1-2 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - (BUG) Changed - Batumi airport US-Support vehicles position - Moved from apron because causing landing planes to disappear if near them. (BUG)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 1-3 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - (BUG) Changed - Batumi airport US-Support vehicles position - Moved from apron because causing landing planes to disappear if near them. (BUG)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 2-1 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights and Ground platoons=MadDog-IC.
    - Added - Extra Radio calls to get Ground Platoons you are providing CAS for, to pop marker flares on request.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road
    - (BUG) Changed - Batumi airport US-Support vehicles position - Moved from apron because causing landing planes to disappear if near them. (BUG)

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - Changed - All US-M1A1 and US-M2A2 armoured platoons to guard / escort, made (Visible before Start).
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 2-2 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - (BUG) Changed - Batumi airport US-Support vehicles position - Moved from apron because causing landing planes to disappear if near them. (BUG)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 2-3 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - (BUG) Changed - Batumi airport US-Support vehicles position - Moved from apron because causing landing planes to disappear if near them. (BUG)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 3-1 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights and Ground platoons=MadDog-IC.
    - Added - Extra Radio calls to get Ground Platoons you are providing CAS for, to pop marker flares on request.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road
    - Changed - US-Tanker Orbit path to be more realistic and get tanker out of SAM engagement zones.    

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - Changed - All US-M1A1 and US-M2A2 armoured platoons to guard / escort, made (Visible before Start).
    - (BUG) Changed - Batumi airport US-Support vehicles position - Moved from apron because causing landing planes to disappear if near them. (BUG)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 3-2 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road
    - Changed - US-Tanker Orbit path to be more realistic and get tanker out of SAM engagement zones.
- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - (BUG) Changed - Batumi airport US-Support vehicles position - Moved from apron because causing landing planes to disappear if near them. (BUG)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 4-1 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights and Ground platoons=MadDog-IC.
    - Added - Extra Radio calls to get Ground Platoons you are providing CAS for, to pop marker flares on request.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road
    - Changed - US-Tanker Orbit path to be more realistic and get tanker out of SAM engagement zones.

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - Changed - All US-M1A1 and US-M2A2 armoured platoons to guard / escort, made (Visible before Start).
    - (BUG) Changed - Batumi airport US-Support vehicles position - Moved from apron because causing landing planes to disappear if near them. (BUG)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Changed - (BUG) US-Armour (Blade) and US-Armour (Cactus) waypoints to fix getting stuck on bridges, etc. (BUG)
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 4-2 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road
    - Changed - US-Tanker Orbit path to be more realistic and get tanker out of SAM engagement zones.

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - (BUG) Changed - Batumi airport US-Support vehicles position - Moved from apron because causing landing planes to disappear if near them. (BUG)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 4-3 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road
    - Changed - US-Tanker Orbit path to be more realistic and get tanker out of SAM engagement zones.
- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - (BUG) Changed - Batumi airport US-Support vehicles position - Moved from apron because causing landing planes to disappear if near them. (BUG)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 5-1 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights and Ground platoons=MadDog-IC.
    - Added - Extra Radio calls to get Ground Platoons you are providing CAS for, to pop marker flares on request.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road
    - Changed - US-Tanker Orbit path to be more realistic and get tanker out of SAM engagement zones.

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - Changed - All US-M1A1 and US-M2A2 armoured platoons to guard / escort, made (Visible before Start).
    - (BUG) Changed - Batumi airport US-Support vehicles position - Moved from apron because causing landing planes to disappear if near them. (BUG)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all US-F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Changed - Starting location of US-Armour (Pine) due to being fired at the moment they spawn
    - Changed - (BUG) US-Armour (Pine) and US-Armour (Maple) waypoints to fix getting stuck on bridges, etc. (BUG)
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 5-2 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road
    - Changed - US-Tanker Orbit path to be more realistic and get tanker out of SAM engagement zones.

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - (BUG) Changed - Batumi airport US-Support vehicles position - Moved from apron because causing landing planes to disappear if near them. (BUG)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 5-3 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road
    - Changed - US-Tanker Orbit path to be more realistic and get tanker out of SAM engagement zones.
- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - (BUG) Changed - Batumi airport US-Support vehicles position - Moved from apron because causing landing planes to disappear if near them. (BUG)
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 6-1 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights and Ground platoons=MadDog-IC.
    - Added - Extra Radio calls to get Ground Platoons you are providing CAS for, to pop marker flares on request.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - Changed - All US-M1A1 and US-M2A2 armoured platoons to guard / escort, made (Visible before Start).
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all US-F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 6-2 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all US-F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 7-1 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights and Ground platoons=MadDog-IC.
    - Added - Extra Radio calls to get Ground Platoons you are providing CAS for, to pop marker flares on request.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - Changed - All US-M1A1 and US-M2A2 armoured platoons to guard / escort, made (Visible before Start).
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all US-F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE (Night 23:40)

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 7-2 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights.
    - Fixed - Mission objective complete flag (RU-HQ dead) from Flag=11 to Flag=100 to match and show mission complete properly.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all US-F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 8-1 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights and Ground platoons=MadDog-IC.
    - Added - Extra Radio calls to get Ground Platoons you are providing CAS for, to pop marker flares on request.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - Changed - All US-M1A1 and US-M2A2 armoured platoons to guard / escort, made (Visible before Start).
    - Changed - Postions on US armour platoons as were to close to action and getting killed to quickly.
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all US-F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 8-2 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - Changed - US-F15e-1 flight delay from 600 -> 300 and US-F15e-2 flight delay from 1200 -> 600.
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all US-F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 9-1 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights and Ground platoons=MadDog-IC.
    - Added - Extra Radio calls to get Ground Platoons you are providing CAS for, to pop marker flares on request.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - Changed - All US-M1A1 and US-M2A2 armoured platoons to guard / escort, made (Visible before Start).
    - Changed - Postions on US armour platoons as were to close to action and getting killed to quickly.
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all US-F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 9-2 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all US-F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 10-1 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights and Ground platoons=MadDog-IC.
    - Added - Extra Radio calls to get Ground Platoons you are providing CAS for, to pop marker flares on request.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - Changed - All US-M1A1 and US-M2A2 armoured platoons to guard / escort, made (Visible before Start).
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Changed - Mission start time to 06:10 to get same lighting as original
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE (Night 05:45)

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 10-2 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - Changed - US-F15e-2 flight delay from 720 -> 320
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all US-F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 11-1 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights and Ground platoons=MadDog-IC.
    - Added - Extra Radio calls to get Ground Platoons you are providing CAS for, to pop marker flares on request.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road
    - Changed - US-Tanker Orbit path to be more realistic and get tanker out of SAM engagement zones.
- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - Changed - All US-M1A1 and US-M2A2 armoured platoons to guard / escort, made (Visible before Start).
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE (Changed speed of all convoys 20->40Kph, cut down radius of radio ground 1 35000)
(Changed US-CAS (Player) flight to take off from runway and changed loadouts to mavs and cbu105's)

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 11-2 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights.
    - Added - Extra Radio calls to get Ground Platoons you are providing CAS for, to pop marker flares on request.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road
    - Changed - US-Tanker Orbit path to be more realistic and get tanker out of SAM engagement zones.
- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all US-F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE (Night 04:10)

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 12-1 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights and Ground platoons=MadDog-IC.
    - Added - Extra Radio calls to get Ground Platoons you are providing CAS for, to pop marker flares on request.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - Changed - All US-M1A1 and US-M2A2 armoured platoons to guard / escort, made (Visible before Start).
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Changed - US-Platoon (Giant) and (Ram) start positions to stop them getting stuck.
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE (Night 1:30)

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 12-2 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 13-1 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights and Ground platoons=MadDog-IC.
    - Added - Extra Radio calls to get Ground Platoons you are providing CAS for, to pop marker flares on request.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road
    - Fixed - US-B1-1, US-B1-2 Bombers (Attack Mission Objects) corruption and put some Bombing commands instead.
    - Changed - US-B1-1, US-B1-2 Bombers payload From AGM-88 to all MK-82 bombs (assigned quarter load x 4 bombing runs)
    - Changed - US-B1-1, US-B1-2 Bombers timing of when they would start their runs.

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - Changed - All US-M1A1 and US-M2A2 armoured platoons to guard / escort, made (Visible before Start).
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 13-2 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road
    - Fixed - US-B1-1, US-B1-2 Bombers (Attack Mission Objects) corruption and put some Bombing commands instead.
    - Changed - US-B1-1, US-B1-2 Bombers payload From AGM-88 to all MK-82 bombs (assigned quarter load x 4 bombing runs)
    - Changed - US-B1-1, US-B1-2 Bombers timing of when they would start their runs.
- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 14-1 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights and Ground platoons=MadDog-IC.
    - Added - Extra Radio calls to get Ground Platoons you are providing CAS for, to pop marker flares on request.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road
    - Changed - US-Tanker Orbit path to be more realistic and get tanker out of SAM engagement zones.

- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
    - Changed - All US-M1A1 and US-M2A2 armoured platoons to guard / escort, made (Visible before Start).
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE

Mission - Georgian Hammer - Push 14-2 (CAS).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Voice Overs for all allied Command=Zira, SEAD=David, CAP=Hazel, CAS=Hazel Flights.
    - Changed - All radio calls and callsigns for UZI -> Boar as per briefing as Uzi doesn't exist in any missions.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All default flight assignment commands to allow AI Aircraft to follow correct way point programming and to allow aircraft to hold at holding stations before assaults and only advance when the radio signal is given.
    - Changed - All flights programmed to loiter around target locations providing extended protection until out of ammo.
        - All CAS aircraft set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All CAP aircraft set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
        - All SEAD aircraft set to SEAD -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
    - Fixed - All corrupt arty "fires at zones", had to be reloaded
    - Fixed - All aircraft landing points, not snapped to airfields runway
    - Fixed - Convoys and their waypoints not aligned to road
    - Changed - US-Tanker Orbit path to be more realistic and get tanker out of SAM engagement zones.
- Units
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect assignments of (Axeman on 133mhz am) settings
    - Fixed    - all US-JTAC incorrect Frequencies and callsigns
    - Fixed - All US-JTAC incorrect Target assignments.
- DCS v1.5x compatability
    - Changed - US-CAS, US-SEAD, RU-CAS, RU-SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - US-CAP, RU-CAP, Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Changed - Payloads for all F-15 flights to fix pylon position for all aim-120b missiles.
    - Changed - Weather - Set Fog OFF to enable defined settings
    - Changed - Mission start time to 05:40 to get same lighting as original
    - Working Fine    
-------------------------- DONE (Night 04:40)
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 59.37 Mb
  • 下载数: 2015
  • 评论: 3
  • 评论