RAF L39C Liveries V2.0 24/11/16

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RAF L39C Liveries V2.0 24/11/16

类型 - 涂装
上传者 - Blackbeard
日期 - 2015-11-11 20:59:21
4 Liveries for the RAF

4 Liveries for the RAF

2 Empire Test Pilot School
2 Grey RAF

1 x ETPS has a white top
1 x EPTS has a rep top

1 x grey is 19 sqn
1 x grey is blank
Change log
redone the ETPS liveries
edited distription lua for dcs 2.0.4
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 不允许分发
  • 语言: 任何语言
  • 大小: 30.84 Mb
  • 下载数: 1606
  • 评论: 0
标签: RAF