Fictional F-15C Thunderbirds/ANG Ferris Demo Scheme Skin

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Fictional F-15C Thunderbirds/ANG Ferris Demo Scheme Skin

类型 - 涂装
上传者 - Gogol007
日期 - 2015-08-21 21:18:29
Fictional F-15C Thunderbirds/ANG Ferris Demo Scheme Skin. Adds a livery to F-15C. Modified default F-15 Ferris scheme.

This is a fictional F-15C Thunderbirds/ANG Ferris Demo Scheme Skin to use with DCS World F-15C.
It's a modified default Ferris scheme livery and is a new skin.

(Attention: this livery is done with the base of the default ED F-15 “Ferris Scheme” livery.                                  Credits for this livery may go to ED or to the original author. If you are the author please contact me using the PROBLEMS AND CONTACTS section contact dates so I’ll can mention you. Thanks! )

It  is flyable if you are a customer of the DCS: F-15C DLC or of DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 不允许分发
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 11.29 Mb
  • 下载数: 1337
  • 评论: 0
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