An Alternative Briefing Image for the F-16C ...
Un groupe de terroristes islamiques vient de prendre le contrôle de l’église Notre Dame du Liban, qui se trouve au Nord de Beyrouth. Nous devons à tout prix éviter la destruction de ce lieu hautement symbolique. L’attaque ayant eu lieu de nuit, le risque d’avoir des civils dans la zone est limité. Le gouvernement libanais a demandé de l’aide à l’OTAN pour appuyer la contre-offensive de ces forces spéciales. Le LHA USS Tarawa étant actuellement le navire de l’organisation le plus proche, le ...
Combat Wombats Pilot Briefing Document. Ever wonder what actually ... Pilots actually use for a briefing. This represents my research into ... military pilots use as a briefing format. It is all unclassified ... help you present better military briefings. This project is based on ... desire to find a better briefing format than SMEAC for representing ... Briefing format from: https://apps.dtic ...
This mod adds to the briefing screen, wind data suitable for ... This mod adds to the briefing screen, wind data suitable for ... : Copy the "CDU Wind Briefing" folder into your JSGME ...
... the size of the mission briefing screen. For use with screen ... 1440p or greater. New: "Briefing Size 1.5x" or ... "Briefing Size 1.33x" mod ... : Copy the "Briefing Size Doubler", "Briefing Size 1.5x ... ", or "Briefing Size 1.33x" folder ...
The A-10C TAD 1:500k map (originally extracted from the game by EvilBivol-1) with a browser-based interactive viewer to conveniently pan and zoom. More detailed zoom levels show a surface type map (land/water/road/airport) exported from DCS: World with a Lua script. Displays an A-10C compatible Lat/Lon readout of the mouse pointer position. --- You will need 7-zip ( to extract the file. The map would be too large in ZIP format (132 MB) to upload here :) The ...
DCS theater map built from A-10C 1:500K TAD chart pages. Document Any language DCS: World Other Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution 10280

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