Aircraft have been detected launching from Iran, based on the activity detected it is predicted that they are moving to strike the area around Fujairah in the UAE. Your flight is on QRA and is to scramble to intercept enemy aircraft. Note this mission assume QRA launch and so require the M2000C options for alignment to be set accordingly. Randomized air to air intercept mission for the M2000C on the Persian Gulf map. See briefing and mission planner for more details. Single mission English ...
日期: 09/23/2022
Aircraft have been detected launching from Iran, based on the activity detected it is predicted that they are moving to strike the area around Fujairah in the UAE. Your flight is on QRA and is to scramble to intercept enemy aircraft. Note this mission assumes a QRA launch and so requires the M2000C options for alignment to be set accordingly. Randomized air to air intercept mission for the M2000C on the Persian Gulf map. See briefing and mission planner for more details. Single mission ...
日期: 05/11/2021
A SEAD/CAS/Anti-ship random mission generator supporting nearly all modernish ground pounders. Is flying the same planes against the same targets above the same dirt in all your "go-to" missions starting to feel like Groundhog Day™? Don't worry, Murray! With Greg you'll know nothing. Not the mission, not the targets, not even what plane you'll be flying! Does the Create Fast Mission generator consistently let you down like a cute but naively irresponsible sponge neighbor? I won ...
日期: 02/03/2020

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