This is more of how to perform the startup checklist without the explanation of the buttons and switches. You will be guided through each step using highlights. At the end of the checklist you are free to go to the target practice airfield (waypoint 1). The airfield is heavily defended and there are Migs in the sky. Good Luck Updated 22 April, 2024 Complete the checklist and get to the airfield. Single mission English DCS World A-10C II Tank Killer Caucasus Freeware - Free version, ...
日期: 04/22/2024
Welcome to the UH-60 Cold and Dark checklist startup. This is more of how to perform the startup checklist without the explanation of the buttons and switches. You will be guided through each step using highlights. At the end of the checklist you are free to go to the target practice airfield. Going through the checklist on a UH-60 for startup. Single mission English DCS World Other Caucasus Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution 03/13/2024 14:07:56 116.0000
日期: 04/22/2024
Welcome to the UH-1H Cold and Dark checklist startup. This ...
日期: 04/21/2024
... one of their trucks we could cripple the enemy. I think ...
日期: 07/19/2016
A small mission that includes you shooting down some f-5s. It is quite easy if you listen... -The cockpit is open and the Major is talking to you- "Sargeant, we have had intelligence from the GCI in the hills to the north of the front lines tell us that there are 2 f5s coming towards it. It is your duty to destroy these planes and save the lives of our men in Grebeshok. If you take them out there is more than likely some hostile helis that need taking out aswell. You will be given ...
日期: 07/03/2016

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