Fictional aggressor skin that I whipped up for the Su-25T. Extract file and place in file path: C-User-Saved Games-DCS.openbeta-Liveries-Su-25T If you don't have a liveries folder for the Su-25T, simply create a new folder with that exact name and save the file inside it. Extract file and place in file path: C-User-Saved Games-DCS.openbeta-Liveries-Su-25T If you don't have a liveries folder for the Su-25T, simply create a new folder with that exact name and save the file inside it. ...
日期: 06/18/2023
A fictional F-15C Eagle painted with similar livery to the F-16C Block 42 (89-2048)'s "Wraith" camouflage. Two variants available: Stock helmet and a painted one, custom EFTs and a little homage on the air brake. Design wise I combined the 64th AGRS F-16 camo with a 65th Eagle. Board numbers are removed.(my first DCS skin) Skin English Any version F-15C Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution 04/13/2021 13:17:39
日期: 04/13/2021
Part of BarTzi's Israeli Vipers pack. Check out the rest of them here: The 115th squadron is used by the Israeli air force in red air and training scenarios. Until recently, the squadron owned only F-16A's but as of 2017, transitioned to the C model with the retirement of the A from the IAF. The squadron uses an older version of the plane (block 40), and thus this is considered a fictional skin. ** Please note that the default version is ...
日期: 08/26/2020

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