Improved Shkval reticle visibility. Made two variations but I prefer white. Both are far better than default. Quickly joined a MP server to test IC and seems to pass. INSTALL: Extract into Main DCS install directory. Or use mod manager. Mod Any language DCS: World 2.7 Ka-50 Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution 08/25/2020 05:15:15 352.0000
日期: 09/19/2020
Just a minor modification and 2.5x upscale of the Vanilla gunsight reticle. JSGME ready. Multiplayer compatible. Mod Any language DCS: World 2.5 Spitfire LF Mk. IX Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution 16.05.2020 20:55:17 77
日期: 05/16/2020
Replacement Spitfire gunsight reticle. JSGME ready. Multiplayer compatible. If you have any real reticle photos, please share them with me. Mod Any language DCS: World 1.5 Spitfire LF Mk. IX Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute 09.04.2017 11:27:29 1227
日期: 03/06/2017

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