This script is to allow any unit to lase map object (scenery objects e.g. bridges) This script is still WIP to enhance the logic , for any bug report or logic to add contact me in ED forum This script is to allow any unit called jtac in ME (unit name not group name) to lase map object (scenery objects like e.g. bridges), this can be change inside the script , it can be different unit for each kind of laser, can also be your own aircraft you ...
日期: 03/04/2024
Removes the blur effect from the FLIR for a more clear picture. Place the folder Bazar in your ROOT DCS folder, NOT Saved Games. Removes the blur effect from the FLIR for a more clear picture. Mod Any language DCS: World 2.5 Other Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
日期: 11/26/2020 Lancio di Maverick IR AGM-65 D da Harrier AV-8B NA contro 4 contraeree fisse. Procedura: 1-modalità A/G; 2-MPCD sinistro premi STRS; 3-premi IRMV o nel pannello armamento il pilone che trasporta un Maverick IR; 4-Master Arm ON; 5-MPCD destro premi DMT; 6-premi Sensor select switch AFT 2 volte finchè appare TV; 7-sull'HUD appare un quadrato che indica dove il DMT sta guardando; 8-premere TDC down action e assi TDC per centrare l'area del bersaglio; 9- ...
日期: 07/21/2019

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