Hornet over Persian Gulf using modified Mbot Dynamic Campaign Engine

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Hornet over Persian Gulf using modified Mbot Dynamic Campaign Engine

类型 - 战役
上传者 - CEF
日期 - 2020-07-15 13:47:48
Hornet over Persian Gulf SuperCarrier using Mbot Dynamic Campaign Engine modified by Miguel21. Fly the Hornet in an immersive dynamic system which will record your destructions and losses. Each mission will be different with SEAD, CAP, STRIKE, ESCORT, ANTI-SHIP STRIKES, INTERCEPTIONS, etc... Your Fleet will support you with S-3 Tankers, E-2D Hawkeyes, F-14B Tomcat and many other fighters and bombers.  Solo play needs supercarrier module but TF-74 with Stennis is available for MP (Hornet and Tomcat)

Version with new auto-update ScriptsMod NG  with DCE MANAGER making installation and update quite easy ! It's for 2.7 OpenBeta only with new clouds.

1993, Iran is becoming more and more aggressive in the Persian Gulf. Iranian s islands are more and more fortified and soon it will become very dangerous for any ship trying to cross the Gulf. South gulf countries asked US forces to prevent a complete blocade of this area. F/A-18C of the VFA-131 based on CVN-71 Roosevelt will help US and allied Air forces to defeat Iranian Forces.

New option to play in solo on dedicated server

Please check the PDF file for installation.

You can play this campaign in MP

If you have questions or if you want to find more campaigns look here  : "https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=191858"
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 27.29 Mb
  • 下载数: 2402
  • 评论: 16
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