Dynamic Conflict: Caucasus v1.8.5

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Dynamic Conflict: Caucasus v1.8.5

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Date - 20.03.2022 12:44:45
A dynamic, persistent PvE and PvP campaign mission about capturing and defending bases with RTS elements and persistent state.

This is a PvE and PvP mission in which both AI and player Air and ground units defend and attack zones. Your goal is to capture zones Alpha to Zulu by destroying all enemy units in each zone. Destruction of enemy units yields strategic resource points, which can be used to purchase ground attacks on enemy positions.

The focus of this mission is more on availability of various aircraft types rather than any sort of historical accuracy, hence you will find some bluefor-type units on the red side (for example, turkish F-16) and vice versa.

If a coalition has no players, enemy ground units will automatically attack nearby zones at regular intervals. This can be stopped temporarily by attacking a forward outpost marked on the map.
AI aircraft flights are balanced by the number of human players. If there's an imbalance of human players in one team, more AI opposition will spawn to even things out.

Some of the zones are airports, capturing these will unlock further spawns and additional aircraft types. Losing those airfields denies those spawns.

AWACS and in-air refueling is available on both sides. Datalink is also available on both sides. This mission includes a modified version of CTLD for cargo missions, construction of FOBs, air defences and AI ground laser designation, as well as CSAR for rescuing downed pilots. Bluefor includes two carriers, both the regular Stennis as well as Supercarrier, to give all kinds of players a chance for carrier operations. Frequencies are available in the mission briefing and via the communication menu. This mission incorporates ELINT which can be activated in script if desired.

The mission is persistent, which means that both zone capture state as well as units and FOBs deployed via CTLD will survive a server restart. NOTE: Disable sanitizing to enable saving/loading of mission state.

Integration with modified versions of Witchcraft for a web based live map is possible, and MOOSE scoring is set to export to CSV files for player statistics.


AddedStrategic Command menu that lets you order ground attacks on enemy bases. The automatic attacks now only happen if there's no players on a team. In order to be able to request attacks, you will have to gain resources for your team, which is done by destroying enemy targets. Ground and air targets are worth one point, enemy players are worth three points. Right now the only available attack method is a tank column, with more options like artillery being considered for the future.
Please check the comms menu under "Other / Strategic Command" for current point status and attack options.

✅ Team resources are now shown on the live map
✅ Team resources are now capped to 100 res points
✅ The maximum resource cap can be increased by building FOBs. Each active FOB increases the limit by another 100 res points.
✅ If a team has one FOB and collected more than 100 res points, destroying that FOB will also set them back to the new max of 100 res points.
✅ FOBs are now shown on the live map
✅ Tank attack price in the Strategic Command menu increased to 50 res points.
✅ Two blue F/A-18C spawns have been added to Mike
✅ A red FARP has been moved to a more sensible location
✅ Waypoint names added to some F/A-18Cs
✅ The stray spanish F/A-18C is now a US airplane

✅ Changed AI JF-17 to something less unbalanced
✅ Changed most hard targets in capture zones to soft targets, to make sending tanks a more worthwhile investment
✅ Added Artillery to select bases, for use by the tactical commander

✅ F14B added to Stennis for players without supercarrier (WHY U NO SUPERCARRIER?)
✅ All F14 now have sensible default loadouts and INS data
✅ KC tanker with boom added to blue side (TACAN 98X)
✅ Link16 added to all tankers
✅ All tankers should now run a proper racetrack (no more wiggling)
✅ Splash Damage script added

✅ Both tankers can now be used in comms menu
✅ A-10C II added to Kobuleti (with waypoints this time)

✅ Fixed AI CAS not taking off

✅ Carriers should now not move around randomly anymore
✅ Added 8 AH-64 slots on both sides.

✅ SAM defences at FARPs now respawn after some time
✅ Changed the AI CAS flights to be more balanced with regard to human player numbers

✅ AI CAS is now a purchaseable attack via the Strategic Command menu. Cost is 20 resource points.
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: N'importe quel langage
  • Taille: 6.69 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 2340
  • Commentaires: 10