and finally, some Supercarrier information

May 8th 2020

Dear Pilots, Friends and Partners,

Yesterday and today are very special days in history. The act of military surrender was first signed at 02:41 on the 7th of May in SHAEF HQ at Reims and a slightly modified document was signed on the 8th of May in Berlin. This instrument of surrender stipulated that all hostilities must cease at 23:01CET on the 8th of May, just an hour before midnight. The world celebrates this great victory over Nazi Germany with solemn respect for the 60 million dead and the Queen’s 75th anniversary VE Day address will be broadcast on the BBC today at 21:00GMT.

Our Free for All event runs for another 10 days and we are pleased to announce that this event has been a huge success as even more users around the world than we expected have enjoyed our free modules. Please do take advantage of the closing days. We truly hope this gives you a chance to discover something new and special.

We continue to develop and bug fix DCS: Supercarrier for an Early Access release later this month and we hope to be providing a preview to our partners and social media channels next week.

Based on customer feedback, one of the most important new Hornet features is the addition of the Air-to-Ground (AG) radar mode. This uses our new proprietary AG radar simulation available for both Eagle Dynamics and 3rd party aircraft.

Thank you for your passion and support and stay safe.

Yours sincerely,

The Eagle Dynamics Team

Free for All

Don’t miss out

We know that most of our modules have steep learning curves. Aircraft such as the MiG-15 Fagot, F-86F Sabre, F-5E Tiger II and the L-39 Albatros can bridge the gap. During the event, we encourage you to spend time gaining knowledge and expertise. Don’t forget that if you really like one of our products, you will benefit from a 50% discount until the 19th of May, should you wish to make a purchase.

Browse Modules


Development Report

This week we have been focussing with our external Beta Test friends on debugging multiplayer components for large servers, tuning the Landing Signal Officer station, revising AI landing behaviour, as well as enhancing final model textures and deck lighting.

Pre-order Supercarrier with 30% off.

AG radar

F/A-18C Hornet

The Raytheon AN/APG-73 radar is also used to map, navigate, locate and designate moving land and sea targets. Our initial AG radar release will include the Ground Map (MAP) mode with target designation. The EXP sub-modes will be added at a later date.

See development screenshots

Thank you for your passion and support.

The Eagle Dynamics Team