Dassault Mirages painted as mock-up F-106 Delta Darts from the following Squadrons:
58-0772, 171th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, 191st Fighter Interceptor Group, Michigan Air National Guard
57-0426, 186th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, 120th Fighter Interceptor Group, Montana Air National Guard
58-0797, 194th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, 144th Fighter Interceptor Wing, California Air National Guard
59-0059, 318th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, 25th Air Division, United States Airforce
For those out there to like to look American while flying French aircraft...
171th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, 191st Fighter Interceptor Group, Michigan Air National Guard
186th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, 120th Fighter Interceptor Group, Montana Air National Guard
194th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, 144th Fighter Interceptor Wing, California Air National Guard
318th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, 25th Air Division, United States Airforce
Traditionally the F-106 Delta Dart was used as a high altitude high speed interceptor.