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DCS World 2.7
Tipo - Utilità
Subido por - spencergs
Fecha - 12.02.2023 06:10:09
RotorOps is a mission generator and gameplay script for DCS: World. At its heart is a game type called Conflict, which requires helicopter operations to win battles on the ground. AI enhancements provide a dynamic ground war by causing unscripted conflicts between ground forces and a progression of the front line.

We must support our troops on the ground to win this war.
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Idioma: Inglese
  • Tamaño: 48.61 Mb
  • Descargado: 704
  • Comentarios: 3
DCS World 2.7
UH-1H Huey
Subido por - spencergs
Fecha - 12.02.2023 05:40:01
The battle continues in this atmospheric mini campaign!  Secure the crash sites by transporting troops and providing EVAC. Protect our pinned down humvee convoy. Tight landings make this a challenging, action packed mission.  

Recommended 1-4 players.  Swap out the helicopter slots if you like (ie UH-60L), just don't change the names.

Part 1:
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, non ridistribuire
  • Idioma: Inglese
  • Tamaño: 7.12 Mb
  • Descargado: 475
  • Comentarios: 0
DCS World 2.7
CH-47 Fat Cow FARPs
Subido por - spencergs
Fecha - 01.02.2023 03:52:59
A Fat Cow is a CH-47 Chinook deployed as a FARP (forward arming and refueling point).

RotorOps: PERKS is a script that brings the Fat Cow FARP into DCS.  Yes, a totally dynamic, working FARP that you can deploy in your mission, wherever you like, in realtime.

  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, non ridistribuire
  • Idioma: Inglese
  • Tamaño: 123.4 Kb
  • Descargado: 161
  • Comentarios: 0
DCS World 2.7
Subido por - spencergs
Fecha - 17.01.2023 06:50:49
A quick mission for one or two players, as part of a large airborne op. The brawn of the US military versus a small local militia.  Should be easy, right?
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, non ridistribuire
  • Idioma: Inglese
  • Tamaño: 9.54 Mb
  • Descargado: 488
  • Comentarios: 0
DCS World 2.7
UH-1H Huey
Subido por - spencergs
Fecha - 17.01.2023 06:45:29
A quick mission for one or two players, as part of a large airborne op. The brawn of the US military versus a small local militia.  Should be easy, right?
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, non ridistribuire
  • Idioma: Inglese
  • Tamaño: 9.77 Mb
  • Descargado: 703
  • Comentarios: 3
DCS World 2.7
Subido por - spencergs
Fecha - 23.04.2022 15:57:46
Teaser video:

A full-featured and very fun night mission heavy on atmosphere.  Featuring music, unique voiceovers (acted, not text to speech), and multiple paths for replayability.  

Takeoff from a FARP in a 'hidden gem' area of the Persian Gulf map.  Fly low through valleys until you arrive over Marvdascht.

You can play this as the Apache, and/or the Blackhawk in single-player or co-op.

As the Apache, you'll get to assault an insurgent compound and destroy a VBIED (suicide bomber) before he reaches our troops waiting for extract.

As the Blackhawk (UH-60L mod required), you'll need to extract troops from Marvdascht before artillery strikes hit.  

If you enjoy this mission, please leave a comment!

For more missions like this, check out RotorOps:

...and join us on Discord!
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, non ridistribuire
  • Idioma: Inglese
  • Tamaño: 56.64 Mb
  • Descargado: 1132
  • Comentarios: 2
DCS World 2.7
Subido por - spencergs
Fecha - 18.01.2022 02:53:14
This is a high-quality demo mission for the new defensive mode of RotorOps: Conflict, a game type that features:

1) Helicopter-centric gameplay.  

2) AI that enables vehicles placed in the staging area to move to attack and clear each zone consecutively.  

3) CTLD troop pickup and dropoff with troop sound effects.  

4) High-quality voiceovers and game-like zone stats display.  

Don't be afraid to modify this in the mission editor.  Most of the magic happens in the script and with the use of the zones.  For example, if you want to increase difficulty, just copy and paste more enemies into the staging zone.  For more advanced mission design with this script, see here:

If you enjoyed this mission, please leave a comment
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Idioma: Inglese
  • Tamaño: 2.88 Mb
  • Descargado: 306
  • Comentarios: 2
DCS World 2.7
UH-1H Huey
Subido por - spencergs
Fecha - 07.01.2022 05:17:25
Terrorists have attacked Aleppo.  We suspect they may try to ambush our response on the way into the city.  Support our troops with CAS and transport between the attack sites.  This is a pre-release demo mission for RotorOps, a script that makes it easy to quickly create fun, helicopter-focused missions directly in the mission editor.
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Idioma: Inglese
  • Tamaño: 2.77 Mb
  • Descargado: 1237
  • Comentarios: 16