Persian_Gulf-Operation_Tripwire ( 4 players )

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DCS World 2.9

Persian_Gulf-Operation_Tripwire ( 4 players )

subido por - landstorm
Fecha - 04.03.2024 05:48:57
Map - Persian Gulf
4 Targets in deep Iran need to be destroyed by two flights ( F15-E & F16 )
be aware it is s long mission and not for new commers

The targets are :
1- for the Strike Eagles we need to destroy a nuclear enrichment facility 40nm north-east of Jiroft in deep iaranian soil ( wp7 & wp8 ) ..!
2- for the Vipers flight an early warning radar (EWR) and com tower at ( wp7 & wp8) .!

the spporting flights are :
1- CAP flight of F15-C Eagls
2- ground attack two flights of F15-E ( springfield )  that will attack the runway of bander and the iranian forces there to prevent them form intercepting your way
3- i Distroyer ship will attack an SA-10 ( S-300 ) SAM site in your way
4- a flight of F16 SEAD flight will take other radars and sams area
5- all players at wp 2 you will need to make a choice :
to refule wich is the right thing to do or to skip refuling and you might not go as far as you think..
after that dission all the flight backage will start there attack
6- to have a mission sucsess you have to :
A-  for the F15-E is to distroy the tow blocks Reactors (wp7 & wp8)
and for the F16 also distroy the EWR and com tawer (wp7 & wp8 )
all of the 4 targets must be distroyed
B-  at least one player make it back to base (RTB) or any other blue airbase
7- for the F15-E flight you can use tow ways of droping those Jdams on target
A- CC mode
B- str point designate for ( F15-E & F16 )
the main targets are at wp7 & wp8 and i made it a target wp allready for all flights
the secondary targets for the F15-E ( if you want ) are at wp9 & wp10
9-if any team did not destroyed their targets the other team must help them or the mission will failed
10- its a long mission and not for new commers but its not that hard
11- dont change the GBU31 V3 penetrator or the mission will not score a target hit
12-  never used "\" for the comms menu.  always use the specific radio command for each module. it is recommended

have fun all

tankers info
1- Texaco 2
TCN 38 X

2- Shell 1
TCN 68 X


note : i did not create this mission i found it here and fixed some issues and made it for one player insted of a multi player mission


you have to bind your HOTAS:

for the Strike Eagle
LEFT (radio1 ) =MIC SWITCH AFT (call radio1 menu)
RIGHT (radio 2 ) =MIC SWITCH AFT (call radio 2 menu)

for the Fighting Falcon
com1(radio1 ) = Transmit switch UHF(call radio menu)
com2(radio 2) = Transmit switch UHF ( call radio menu)

and the radios will work fine
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