Operation Brown Maniac

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DCS World 2.7

Operation Brown Maniac

Tipo - Campagna
subido por - leonardo_c
Fecha - 04.09.2022 21:04:00
*** Operation Brown Maniac ***

November 21st 1979


This mission is a "semi" dynamically generated theater of operations.
The structure of the missions is inspired by an old simulator some might remember, Flight of the Intruder.
In that simulator the player could select a set of missions that were more or less different every time.

Some missions are to be run by a single flight while in others the player can select a role in the package.
If the player selects the Iron Hand flight of a mission then the AI will not spawn that specific flight but will spawn the other mission flights (e.g. MiGCAP and Strike). There is also a "Free Role" available that will spawn the entire AI flights and the player can be a backup or take targets of opportunity.

Recommended Downloads:
F-5 SEA Camo by reflected https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/2408674/

Required Downloads:
A-4E Community Mod (you are losing a lot if you don't have this one.

The mission is intended to be played PvE/Coop. PvP has not been tested.

BLUEFOR Missions

* Operation Milk Run
A single flight is tasked in disabling Jisr Railway Station and the warehouse in the immediate vicinity.
Small caliber AAA opposition is expected in the immediate area.

Enemy air units have been spotted WSW of Aleppo.
This combat air patrol mission should stay around top deck plus ten. Maintain a patrol area in the BARCAP area indicated on your map.
Aleppo is under SAM coverage, avoid the area.

* Deck Alert
Scramble to meet a missile boat attack on Yankee Station.
One flight must intercept and destroy the torpedo boats before they get close enough to launch missiles or torpedoes.

* Hornet's Nest
Two B-52 wings will be attacking Hama airbase. This frontline airbase has to be neutralized as quickly as possible.
Wild Weasel units have already neutralized high altitude SAMs, expect light caliber AAA at low altitude.
Join the BUFFs in the location indicated in the map at 33000ft and escort them in and out.

* Tally Ho Yo! (Callsign Pontiac)
This is a strike bombing mission against Al Krameel rail bridge with Iron Hand escort.
Aleppo is under SAM coverage, keep low altitude and situational awareness.
** Iron Hand (Pontiac 2, 3)
AAA batteries have been reported to the immediate vicinity of the bridge. This needs to be silenced before the strike flight comes in. They are two minutes behind you.
** Strike (Pontiac 1)
Come in over the target after the Phantoms have cleared the area. Use GP bombs.

* Back Breaker (Callsign Ford)
An eight-unit package is tasked in putting Minakh airbase out of action.
Aleppo SAM protection is out of range but expect Migs to be directed by GCI.
Provide protection for the Iron Hand and strike flights. First in and last out.
** Iron Hand
Clean up the area from light caliber AAA in the area. Engage targets of opportunity in the airbase.
** Strike
Bomb and disable the runway. Neutralize any targets of opportunity in the airbase if fuel and ammo allows.

* Special Delivery (Callsign Dodge)
USN A-4 package is tasked to destroy any cargo ships and attack the dock. Tartus harbour is a central logistic point.
No MiGCAP escort, avoid excessive inland penetration.
** Strike Docks
Destroy the large warehouse in the dock area.
** Strike Ships
Any large vessel is a valid target.
** Iron Hand
Small and medium calibre AAA is reported around the dock. Neutralize it before the strike flights arrival, they are three minues behind you.

* Desert Meteor (Callsign Chevy)
USN A-4 package is tasked in destruction of Jisr rail and road bridges with Iron Hand and MiGCAP cover.
** Strike
There are two bridges south of Jisr, see your maps for intel. Both bridges need to be put out of order.
** Iron Hand
There are AAA units protecting the bridges. put them out of action before the strike flights arrival.
Migs have been reported, keep the flight safe. First in, last out.

REDFOR has only "Homeland Defense". By selecting this mission any of the BLUEFOR missions will be generated and REDFOR player will reiceve vectoring from GCI.

Forum post: https://forum.dcs.world/topic/308403-pvespcoop-operation-brown-maniac
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