F-15C 16-2 Red Flag Campaign

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The F-15C 16-2 Red Flag Campaign is a depiction of flying the F-15C Eagle during a typical Red Flag exercise in the skies over Nevada. This campaign includes extensive briefing, map, and lineup card PDF files for each mission and was designed in consultation with the renowned author Steve Davies, the authority on the F-15C.

All of the missions are based on input from real F-15C pilots that have flown in Red Flag exercises and will provide you a challenge that will test even the most skilled virtual pilots.

Release: 01/15/2016
  • 10 handcrafted mission that depict number of types of missions a F-15C pilot would fly in a Red Flag
  • Highly detailed mission briefings, mission maps, and lineup cards as PDF files
  • Custom voice overs and hundreds of triggers
  • Created in partnership with the author Steve Davies and F-15C pilots that have flown Red Flags