Ship Personal Theme - Tema personalizado

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Ship Personal Theme - Tema personalizado

Type - Other
Uploaded by - Caprichila
Date - 10/24/2022 04:16:53
Tema de fondo personalizado para DCS, es posible personalizarlo con cualquier otra imagen.
Custom background theme for DCS, it is possible to customize it with any other image

La dirección de instalación es la siguiente:

C:\Users\your user\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\MissionEditor\themes\main\ME

El nombre del archivo correcto, para que DCS lo reconozca, es el siguiente:


The installation address is as follows:

C:\Users\your user\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\MissionEditor\themes\main\ME

The correct file name, for DCS to recognize, is as follows:

  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Spanish
  • Size: 3.22 Mb
  • Downloaded: 36
  • Comments: 0