A-4E-C Carrier Start - A2G & Dam Busting in Marginal Wx. conditions Ver.2

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A-4E-C Carrier Start - A2G & Dam Busting in Marginal Wx. conditions Ver.2

Uploaded by - HvanE
Date - 03/15/2022 23:35:18
A-4E-C Carrier Start - A2G & Dam Busting in Marginal Wx. conditions. Made a few corrections, but some errors may still exist. Feel free to correct.

Mission is two fold:

1: Immobilize a number of armored vehicles enroute to the dam. Intelligence reports 6 vehicles which are currently at a stand still due to a fire on the road, origin unknown. One of the vehicles is a Ural 375 so expect some flak.

As you will be operating in mountainous terrain, rockets may be your best option.

2: Attempt to damage the dam by dropping 3 * 2000 MK82 ordinance. Aim at the waterline for maximum damage.

Wx is marginal at best and may not allow you to fly at altitude.

Aircraft requires to be armed and possibly refueled on the deck of the carrier. Base your fuel load on the Wx and the possibility of alternate route(s).

The dam is protected by 2 ZU-23 Emplacement  AAA positioned on top off, and on either side of the dam. In addition, there is an armed speedboat operating on the reservior.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 23.71 Mb
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