Blue angels formation airshow

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Blue angels formation airshow

Uploaded by - lncellusion
Date - 01/24/2022 10:25:04
F/A-18C Blue Angels formation airshow flight with flight lead comms throughout the flight

After seeing ED's blue angels mission from the syria map, I thought "lets try something even more unique". I do formation practice using the mission editor and AI, so I thought lets throw an actual AI/Player show together.

You are Blue Angels number 5, you will enter the air show in a Vic 5 formation on the right. You will then split off with the flight lead who will communicate with you to conduct a mirrored pass over the runway (flight lead will be inverted above you), followed by a formation loop over the runway (this one is tricky to stay with the lead).  All this while the 3 ship formation go by the crowed as you setup for both manoeuvres.

You will then proceed to orbit behind the airfield while the formation does 1 last flyby, the flight lead will do a high speed pass, then you will come in low and fast over the crowd for the famous blue angels "sneak pass".

Regrouping with the formation in front of the airfield, you will come towards the crowd tailing the flight lead. When the flight lead calls it, you break hard and fast to the right, while he breaks to the left as the 3 ship formation will go over the crowd for the finale.

Landing at Beslan will either be duos or single. You can form up with an angel to land with him (as it is AI it will be landing in the centre of the runway, you will need to be a few feet behind him to fit).

Hope you enjoy, feedback and suggestions are appreciated.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 2.21 Mb
  • Downloaded: 986
  • Comments: 6