Operation Bactria Revival (MP COOP 14), CAS

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DCS World 2.7

Operation Bactria Revival (MP COOP 14), CAS

Uploaded by - KappinHook
Date - 01/07/2022 21:23:34
This is a revival update to the classic (and outdated circa 2012) Operation Bactria by Habu23.

In honor of Habu23 I have reconfigured all 22 taskings to work in the latest DCS v2.7 Caucasus map. The mission is 95% human voiced. I have added NOFLY zones to make the mission more challenging. The aircraft can be swapped out but leave the nationalities the same as the mission framework depends on it.  

Bug Report Form:

This mission is completely randomized and has a total of 22 taskings.


1) Fly to the assigned Initial Point (IP) and wait for radio contact from AWACS (Chalice 3). Once on station, Chalice 3 will provide taskings as needed by ground forces in the AO.

2) If you are Winchester before AWACS (Chalice 3) grants you clearance to go off station, simply RTB to simulate a check-out.

3) Be mindful of airspace. Russia and Georgia have designated specific airbases for the coalition to operate from. NOFLY zones (2KM x 40,000ft) are around all other airports. Five airspace violations and the air operation will cease.

4) If you fail to copy down the grid coordinates given by AWACS, consult the F10 radio commands and you will find the grid for the active tasking. (MGRS Only)

5) If you are frustrated with a task or wish to cancel it for any reason, consult the F10 radio commands and sel ect "Cancel Mission #". PLEASE ALLOW 5 MINUTES FOR A NEW TASKING TO BE GENERATED. SOME TASKINGS WILL NOT GIVE YOU INSTANT FEEDBACK, OTHER TASKINGS MIGHT END WITH A VOICE-OVER. A new tasking will be created, so be patient.


This mission seeks to replicate the nature of CAS sorties during Operation Enduring Freedom - Afghanistan. While the combatants and tasking are not direct references to real-life engagements, many of the taskings in this mission were inspired by real events (Battle of Takur Ghar, Battle of Wanat, Battle of Tarin Kowt).

The enemy will sometimes exist in a more conventional form as the Taliban existed during the 2001 invasion, comprised of armor and moderate air defenses. Other times, the enemy will consist of insurgents who unconventionally ambush NATO forces.  

All flights will receive on-call tasking fr om AWACS (Chalice 3) once in their designated IP. Once tasking is complete, Chalice 3 will order each flight back to their IPs and generate new tasking. AWACS will inform when a flight's station time is complete.


Mozdok: Hawg Flight -> IP BANKS
Kutaisi: Pig Flight -> IP ADDER
Maykop-Khanskaya: Boar Flight -> IP DODGE
Vaziani: Tusk Flight -> IP MAZDA


Deathstar 2: 030 FM
Playboy 1: 031 FM
Anvil 4: 032 FM
Colt 4: 033 FM


AEW support will operate at 18,000ft.

Texaco 1: 250.00 VHF AM, TACAN: 62Y
               *IVO Hawg Flight

Arco 3: 251.00 VHF AM, TACAN: 65Y
               *IVO Pig and Boar Flights

Shell 4: 252.00 VHF AM, TACAN: 68Y
               *IVO Tusk Flights



-Keep in mind that the AO is mountainous, so add two or three thousand feet to barometric altitude for a safe hard deck.

a) Mobile SAM's (SA-13, SA-9)

b) AAA (Optical and Shilka's)

c) MANPAD's (SA-18)

d) Ground Fire (Vehicle Cannons and Small Arms Fire)

The terrain is very mountainous, so stay two or three thousand feet higher than ten thousand feet to remain safe from MANPADs and other threats.


Pilots must be able to create new steerpoints and enter MGRS or LAT/LON precise coordinates into their aircraft.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 9.92 Mb
  • Downloaded: 605
  • Comments: 4