Readable F-14 MASTER CAUTION and L/R Fire Lights

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F-14 Tomcat

Readable F-14 MASTER CAUTION and L/R Fire Lights

Type - Mod
Uploaded by - Magic Zach
Date - 11/13/2021 22:32:08
I've been bothered with not being able to tell if the master caution and left fire or right fire lights were illuminated or not, because either way they were too whitewashed to tell.
So I jumped into the textures and tweaked it a bit.  Simple as that.

UPDATED 2/13/2023: There was an issue where during low light, the panel would have excessive glow.  This has been fixed.

Passes Integrity Check.
If you use a modloader, unzip the mod out of the zipped folder first.
If you don't use a should really use one my guy.  Check out OvGME, it's such an incredible time saver that it could be an actual life saver, who knows.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 21.04 Mb
  • Downloaded: 940
  • Comments: 7