A-4E Operation Litani

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A-4E Operation Litani

Uploaded by - tttiger
Date - 09/10/2021 21:57:27
On 14 March 1978, in response to a Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) raid in which 7 Israelis and an an American tourist were killed, Israel launched Operation Litani. The goal was to use aircraft, tanks, infantry and artillery to push PLO rockets and guns away from the Lebanon-Israeli border to a point north of the Litani River so that Israeli towns and farms would be out of range of the PLO. Your flight of A-4E-Cs has been tasked to clear PLO artillery and rocket launchers out of an area east of Tyre wish Rockeye CBUs and strafing. You will be flying in advance of IDF tanks and APCs moving north.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 3.28 Mb
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