M-2000C Engine & Cockpit Sounds Fix

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DCS World 2.8

M-2000C Engine & Cockpit Sounds Fix

Type - Sound
Uploaded by - sedenion
Date - 06/21/2020 17:40:05
Unofficial patch/mod for DCS Mirage 2000C by RAZBAM to fix and improve sound environment.

v2.5 (2023-07-07 but released 2023-08-09) for DCS World 2.8.6

Exterior and interior engine sounds redone based on real Mirage 2000 engine (Snecma M53) sound samples.

New engine sounds from real Mirage 2000 foutages and adjusted sound
definition files for better sounds calibration.

### Modification details

#### Engine Sounds
  - New in-cockpit compressor flow with humming (real Mirage 2000)
  - New in-cockpit intakes flow sound (real Mirage 2000)
  - New compressor flow (whistle) sound (real Mirage 2000)
  - New turbine flow (rumble) sound (real Mirage 2000)
  - New thrust (roar) sound (real Mirage 2000)
  - Adjusted starter sounds volumes (louder)

#### Interior Sounds
  - Redone alarm tones with calibrated amplitude
  - Reworked VTH and VTB sounds (filtering low frequencies)
  - Reworked instrument sounds with calibrated amplitude and gain
  - Adjusted engine sounds position (to the back)
  - Adjusted engine sounds mixing and effects (more powerful)
  - Adjusted noises, clicks and throttle volume (dimmed)

### Version History

##### v2.4 (2023-07-06)  for DCS World 2.8.6
- New in-cockpit compressor flow sound with whistle harmonics
- New in-cockpit afterburer sound and set louder

##### v2.3 (2023-06-30)  for DCS World 2.8.6
- Adjusted in-cockpit compressor flow and intake flow gain
- Reworked compressor flow sound for Weaker "vribration" sound
- Reworked VTH and VTB sounds (filtering low frequencies)
- Reworked instrument sounds with calibrated amplitude and gain

##### v2.2 (2023-06-24)  for DCS World 2.8.6
- New in-cockpit compressor flow composit sound (with humming)

##### v2.1 (2023-06-22)  for DCS World 2.8.6
- New in-cockpit intakes flow sound
- Adjusting some gain mixing for in-cockpit ambience

##### v2.0 (2023-06-16)  for DCS World 2.8.6
- New fix for new Mirage 2000 sound config
- Normalized alarms tones.
- New compressor flow, turbine flow and thrust sounds
- Adjusted engine sound positions and cones
- Adjusted all sounds gain.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 3.67 Mb
  • Downloaded: 2251
  • Comments: 15