Royal Australian Navy - VC-724 - Hi-Vis Gull/Medium Grey - HMAS Melbourne - Fictional

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Royal Australian Navy - VC-724 - Hi-Vis Gull/Medium Grey - HMAS Melbourne - Fictional

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - Bungo
Date - 05/06/2020 14:07:15
A fictional skin based on a blend of the Gull Grey/Insignia White hi-vis of the Royal Australian Navy VC-724 Squadron, and the US Navy of the 1970s, but with the hawk's head from the Brazilian Navy's AF-1 (A-4KU Skyhawk) and darker grey of the aircraft depicted here:

Totally Fictional and blatantly transposing the markings of one aircraft onto a totally unrelated one for no reason other than I think they go together nicely.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 66.52 Mb
  • Downloaded: 512
  • Comments: 2