Clickable Radio Menu for DCS World v3.1

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Clickable Radio Menu for DCS World v3.1

Typ - Mod
Hochgeladen von - PeterP
Datum - 26.06.2011 16:00:57
Click-able Radio Menu for DCS World v3.1
( Tested with )

Read the Readme !

Click-able Radio Menu for DCS World v3.1

All test are made in DCS World



!First remove any previous version!

Copy the contend of the "DCS World" folder  inside your DCS Installation and allow to overwrite.
Example path:
C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World

Than Place the "Clickable Radio Menu for DCS World" folder wherever you want and run the
"Click-able_Radio_Menu_Calibration_Tool.exe" that you find inside.


First run:

Run the

.. .\Clickable Radio Menu for DCS World\Calibration_Tool.exe

and follow the instruction.
(see also "Click here for the Calibration.jpg" for reverence.)

You may have to give "Calibration_Tool.exe" administration rights. - this depends on your UAC settings.

It is necessary to run DCS World the first time windowed , so you can see the instruction.
You can switch back again after a successful calibration .

The calibration Tool will create a "Clickable_Radio_Menu.ini" where the X/y coordinates are stored.

You can click the Radio Menu with the Middle Mouse button when the calibration is done.
(It's the Middle Mouse button to prevent conflicts with the clickable cockpits)
You can Change anytime the button by right clicking the Green Tray-Icon with a 'H' to your liking.

FC3 and Su25T Users have to press once ESC and than the Pause/Brake key to get a visible Mouse Pointer!
Than you can move the "ESC"pop-up to a place where it doesn't disturb your view - simply drag'n'drop .

Run the Calibration Tool again when you change your screen layout.

You can edit various aspects like position and size in
. .\DCS World\Config\ClickableRadioMenuConfig.lua

Use a proper editor for this job! ( )


How to edit the GUI window:


Regular Start after calibration:

Start the Click able Radio Menu before starting DCS with the
.. .\Clickable Radio Menu for DCS 1.2.2\>button<_Click-able_Radio_Menu.exe

You may have to give it administration rights. - this depends on your UAC settings.

Hot tip:

Place a shortcut of the file with the button of your choise in your Startup folder.
Path:   C:\Users\>User Name<\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
So it is loaded when your system boots and you don't have to manually start it any more.
End the process by right-clicking the Green "H" icon in your notification tray .



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  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Weitergabe untersagt
  • Sprache: Alle Sprachen
  • Größe: 1.26 Mb
  • Geladen: 3131
  • Kommentare: 5