MB339 - Operation Warun 3 - Nigerian Air Force

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MB339 - Operation Warun 3 - Nigerian Air Force

Hochgeladen von - chattytumbler
Datum - 22.08.2023 12:38:50
Over 100 terrorists from the Jamā’at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da’wah wa’l-Jihād (JAS) Boko Haram faction are gathering at training camps across the border in Cameroon. The bases, in the Madara Mountains region are to be targeted by Nigerian Air Force (NAF) strikes between 9 -11 June 2023.

Wing Loong II drones from the NAF’s 203rd Combat Reconnaissance Group have been monitoring the camps and are on station to provide accurate targeting information. Several high-ranking terrorist commanders have been spotted at a base in Grazah, an area controlled by the Boko Haram terrorists.

Nigerian Air Force's 103 Strike Group based at Yola has been ordered to destroy the base.

The operation has been codenamed Operation Warun 3.

Semi-Historical Mission
Custom Kneeboards
Custom Dialogue
Random Mission elements (1 main mission plus 2 alternative versions)
Cold and Air Start Options
10-35 minute play time depending on how you chose to fly

You are Lt Assam, a rising star in the Nigerian Air Force (NAF). You are currently serving in the 103 Strike Group based at Yola airbase in Eastern Nigerian, on the border with Cameroon. El Arish is being used as a substitute for Yola.

JAS (a subgroup of the Boko Haram Islamic Fundamentalists) has been gathering local insurgents in training camps in Cameroon. They think that by operating outside of Nigeria they will escape attack. They are wrong. The Nigerian Air Force has begun Operation Warun 3 – targeted strikes on these training camps.

Your mission is to fly to a training camp in the Madara region, approximately 25km from your base, and neutralise any insurgents you find there.

Cold and Air Starts to suit your style of play - mission can be completed in under 10 minutes if required although you will only score 90 out of 100 points,

This mission is identical to the other Warun 3 missions I will be uploading over the next few days - only the type of aircraft flown has changed. Look out of versions for the C101 and L-39 Albatros.
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 3.66 Mb
  • Geladen: 99
  • Kommentare: 0