"Operation Vladimir the Great" - PvP type Mission

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DCS World 2.8

"Operation Vladimir the Great" - PvP type Mission

类型 - 联机任务
上传者 - Panthir
日期 - 2024-02-20 16:06:33
Map - Caucasus
A PvP mission Gudauta vs Maykop

Many thanks to the following script authors:
Grimes and Speed for Mist http://wiki.hoggit.us/view/Mission_Scripting_Tools_Documentation,
Ciribob for CTLD http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=143107
=GR=DIMPAH for modifying CTLD, Steggles for the EWRS http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=158076
and Christian Franz and cf/x for DML https://github.com/csofranz/DML

Each team has available only one GCI network consisted of only one EWR 55G6 (CRC) and any SBORKA unit that will be spawned by HELOs using CTLD via F10 menu. The EWR 55G6 is depended on a Primary Electricity Power Sub-Station (EPS). Once EPS is destroyed the friendly EWR 55G6 will be set out of order for a time period of half an hour, until a secondary EPS will be ready to provide the EWR 55G6 with adequate electrical power. The estimated radar coverage at 10000’ is depicted in the following maps. Moreover, an E-3A will be airborne not earlier than 15min from mission start (AWACS mission version). The E-3A orbit area is protected by a Patriot Battery.

The airbases are protected by a SA-11 Battery and a number of other SHORAD. Each team has one FARP located near front line and three MASH, one at Airbase, one at FARP and one in the front line. All MASH are depicted with F10 Marks:
o    Red FARP location: FJ02
o    Red MASH #3 location: FJ44
o    Blue FARP location: EJ88
o    Blue Mash #3 location: FJ28

Each airbase has three Active Missiles Warehouses (AIM-120B/R77, AIM-120C/SD-10 and AIM-54). Moreover, both coalitions have recently delivered a significant amount of all JSOW type weapons (AGM-154, GB6, LS6, SLAM) variants that will be transferred to the respective AFB (Maykop – Gudauta) by landlines. The Cargo Convoys are expected to arrive at the final destinations at 11:30 (local). In case that even a part of the Convoy arrives at final destination the respective coalition will be allowed to use JSOWs type weapons (AGM-154, GB6, LS6, SLAM variants) for the remaining time. A SOF Unit is directed to confirm its position.  

Both Coalitions have recently acquired a “Silkworm” Tactical Surface to Surface Missile System consisted of a Fire Unit and two launchers with a range of 150nm and 5mt Circular Error Probable (CEP). According to INTEL the systems are already deployed and will be combat ready, no earlier than 11:40 (local). Minimum missile reload time is 15 minutes.
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  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 27.96 Mb
  • 下载数: 87
  • 评论: 1
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