C-130H Hercules, 179th Airlift Wing "60th Anniversary"

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C-130H Hercules, 179th Airlift Wing "60th Anniversary"

类型 - 涂装
上传者 - Perrete
日期 - 2019-09-16 19:50:13
179 AW C-130H, AF Ser. No. 90-1794

Skin conmemorativo del 60 aniversario del desembarco de Normadía, correspondiente a un Hércules C-130H de la Ohio Air Guard, 179th Air Wing, portando las características rayas de invasión.

Commemorative skin of the 60th anniversary of the D-Day, corresponding to a Hercules C-130H from the Ohio Air Guard, 179th Air Wing, wearing the characteristic invasión stripes.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 不允许分发
  • 语言: 任何语言
  • 大小: 6.9 Mb
  • 下载数: 323
  • 评论: 2