3Dmigoto VR enhancer

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DCS World 2.7

3Dmigoto VR enhancer

类型 - 插件
上传者 - lefuneste01
日期 - 2019-05-28 09:09:31
This mod provides the following features:
• Label masking by cockpit frame
• Enhancement of cockpit and outside colors
• copy/paste of radio messages and F10 map coordinates to easier JTAC coordinates conversion (see forum link below for more informations)
• scaling of NVG in VR so it is possible to see below them
• Sharpen filter for cockpit and HUD
• FXAA filter (except cockpit)
• Atmosphere haze reduction factor
• Debanding for sea and sky
• Reflection on cockpit glass can be lowered/suppressed (AV8B, UH1-H, Ka50, Mi24, AH64,..)
• Soften of flat shadow edge + flat shadow strengh control (only in stable)
• Performance improvement for bombs explosion and minigun (up to 300%)
• AH64, Mi24, Gazelle, Ka50 Rotor hiding
• AH64: TADS mirror desactivation in IHADSS, IHADSS can be disabled for right eye
• Mi24: map can be lighten
• NS430: the "floating" GPS frame can be hidden and GPS screen is displayed in a fixed position on GUI rectangle, or in moving map of Mi24
• Setup mode with help tex


This mod provides the following features:
• Label masking by cockpit frame
• Enhancement of cockpit and outside colors
• copy/paste of radio messages and F10 map coordinates to easier JTAC coordinates conversion (see forum link below for more informations)
• scaling of NVG in VR so it is possible to see below them
• Sharpen filter for cockpit and HUD
• FXAA filter (except cockpit)
• Atmosphere haze reduction factor
• Debanding for sea and sky
• Reflection on cockpit glass can be lowered/suppressed (AV8B, UH1-H, Ka50)
• AH64 rotor hiding
• TADS mirror desactivation in IHADSS, IHADSS can be disabled for right eye
• Setup mode with help text to customize options

Compatibility with Kegetys shader mod not tested, should work only for Simplex version.

More informations here : https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=242134


This mod provides the following features:
• Label masking by cockpit frame
• Enhancement of cockpit and outside colors
• copy/paste of radio messages and F10 map coordinates to easier JTAC coordinates conversion (see forum link below for more informations)
• scaling of NVG in VR so it is possible to see below them
• Sharpen filter for cockpit and HUD
• FXAA filter (except cockpit)
• Atmosphere haze reduction factor
• Reflection on cockpit glass can be lowered/suppressed (AV8B, UH1-H, Ka50, Mi24, AH64,..)
• Soften of flat shadow edge + flat shadow strengh control
• Performance improvement for bombs explosion and minigun (up to 300%)
• AH64, Mi24, Gazelle, Ka50 rotor hiding in cockpit view to avoir issue with reprojection
• AH64: TADS mirror desactivation in IHADSS, IHADSS can be disabled for right eye
• Mi24: The map can be enlighten
• NS430: the "floating" GPS frame can be hidden and GPS screen is displayed in a fixed position on GUI rectangle, or in moving map of Mi24
• Setup mode with help text to customize options

Global Setup Menu
The setup menu can be activated by pressing LSHIFT+F7. You can cycle different pages covering all mod settings. You can change values by using INS/DEL/HOME/END/PageUp/PageDown keys, the effect will be seen directly in game.

At the end you must save your settings and exit by pressing LALT+F12.

NVG feature (NVG page)
• When in NVG mode, press LShift+F7 to enter Setup mode. This will display the same help text than for zoom, but with NVG options.
• The following settings can be changed:
   NVG scale
   NVG position convergence ("NVG out")
   NVG in view convergence ("NVG In")
   NVG noise

Help text position is defined for Pimax 5k+ with low FoV. You may need to adjust it by modifying this section in the file "user_settings.ini" (one setting for normal view and one setting for NVG view):
        ; Help message position
        type = StructuredBuffer
        array = 1
        ; upper left corner coordinate (0=>1)
        data = R32_FLOAT +0.35  +0.35       +0.35 +0.35
        ;                 X&Y pos (no NVG) | X&Y pos (in NVG)
    Basically, the two first number are UV coordinates of uppel left corner of help text when in normal view, the two last numbers are UV coordinates of uppel left corner of help text when in NVG view

Sharpen filter for cockpit and HUD (SHARPEN/FXAA page and MISC page to disable HUD sharpening)
Sharpen factor and luma can me interactively modified by Setup menu, "Sharpen" page (LSHIFT+F7).
Sharpen filter options are cycled by pressing LAlt+F8 key. Sharpen can be is applyed only on cockpit (option cockpit) or for cockpit + all other elements than cockpit (option cockpit+external)
sharpen and luma can be different for cockpit and outside.
HUD is sharpened with cockpit by default. HUD sharpen can be disabled in MISC page, by HUD Sharpen option.

FXAA filter for outside (other than cockpit drawing) (SHARPEN/FXAA page), MSAA must be off.
FXAA is toggled by a third Sharpen option (Cockpit+FXAA), cockpit is sharpened and FXAA is applyed on external display. If MSAA is toggled, FXAA will not be applyed.

Color settings are defined for cockpit and outside (external). You can modify color saturation and add RGB constant or multiply all RGB component
Color change is made with the following algorithm:
step 1 new color = saturation change for standard output
step 2 : new color = saturated color *mul + add
color settings can be changed interactively by using setup mnu, "COCKPIT COLOR" and "EXT. COLOR" page. (SHIFT+F7)

Debanding(can be seen only in VR) (MISC PAGE)
You can reduce "banding" of sky and sea by setting this option to "ON" in "MISC" Page

Reflection on cockpit glasses change (REFLECTION PAGE)
You can reduce or suppress reflection on cockpit glasses for static textures and dynmaic light (even if I did not encounter a case with them in my testings).
Reflexions can be changed interactively by using setup menu, "Reflexion" page (SHIFT+F7).
"Texture" will reduce stenght of reflections based on static texture, "lights" wil reduce reflexions based on lights. If set to zero it may reduce a little bit fps because it will disable some loops.
Unfortunately, it will work only on planes/helos I own because others may used shader that I did not modify. See above in feature list the planes/helos supported.

Label masking (works in 2d too) (MISC PAGE)
Label masking by cockpit frame is on by default.
It can be toggled by setup menu, MISC page (LSHIFT+F7)

Night mode (MISC PAGE)
Night mode for cursor and kneepad can be toggled on/off by LSHIFT +F11.
Key binging can be modified in files users_settings\user_keymapping.ini or users_settings\user_keymapping_zoom.ini
Intensity of brightness is defined using SETUP menu, page "MISC." (LSHIFT+F7)

Atmosphere Haze reduction (MISC PAGE)
Haze can be reduced by setting the Atmosphere Haze value lesser than 1.0. If set to 0 no Haze will be displayed.

Performance improvement (MISC PAGE)
Some shaders can be disabled in order to avoid GPU saturation created by craters and smoke of CBU explosion or Minigun usage.
It can be toggled by SETUP menu, "MISC." page, entry "Fix CBU fps" (LSHIFT+F7).
Three settings are available : 0 => no fix, 1 => fix for remaining shaders after explosion only (no real visible impact), 2 => reduce number of smoke shaders.
Toggling for 0 => 1 => 2 => 0 can be done ingame by pressing LALT+F3.

AH64, Mi24, Gazelle, Ka50 Rotor hiding (HELICOPTERS PAGE)
The rotor flash may be unconfortable for some. You can disable it by pressing LSHIFT+INS once in HELICOPTER page.

There is an option to increase light on Mi24 Map. Effect is not linear. Due to conditions, a lowe number will enlight more than a high number.

The TADS picture in IHADSS can be toggled off/on by pressing CTRL+i.
If IHADSS is displayed for both eye, the IHADSS of right eye can be temporarilly disabled when pressing and maintaining ALT+i.  

Flat shadow control (FLAT SHADOW page)
Flat shadow can be turned OFF for trees, batiment, objects. It may helop to reduce fps in soem very specific case.
ALT+F6 can be used to toggle even if menu is not activated.

NS430 GPS (NS430 page)
The "floating" GPS frame can be hidden and GPS screen displayed on GUI frame by pressing SHIFT+ALT+v
There are 3 settings: off (bydefault), screen displayed in GUI, screen displayed in cockpit Map (Hind only). Pressing SHIFT+ALT+v rotate each mode.
Position and  size in GPS screen in GUI frame can be set by menu

Radio messages copy/paste
Radio messages copy can be copied in cockpit view by LSHIFT+F3.
It will appears reddish in front of you and in map view (F10).
It will appears in front of you and in map view (F10).
When in map view, a new LSHIFT+F3 will add map coordinates or object coordinates (if object is selected in map) in cockpit view.
Either Radio or Map coordinates are updated when pressing LSHIFT+F3 in the appropriate view.
Radio messages and map coordinates can be toggled on/off by pressing LSHIFT+F5 and erased by LALF+F5

Key binging can be modified in files users_settings\user_keymapping.ini or users_settings\user_keymapping_zoom.ini

Inside the zip file, 2 versions and optioanl features are provided, each in different folders:

Main part of the mod in two flavors
3DmigotoDCS_VR_x.y (x.y being the current version) used only without OpenXR mod
3DmigotoDCS_VR_x.y_openXR (x.y being the current version) used only with OpenXR mod and with Multi Threading version

Optional features removal or addition

It is best to use Jsgme or ovgme, but you can unzip the contain of the zip into dcs world install dir. In this case, follow instruction below.

A-Install the main part of the mod

The folder of name: 3DmigotoDCS_VR_x.y  used only without OpenXR mod.

    Extract the contents of this folder into the to the DCS game directory, under the \bin directory.
    The mod will be activated upon DCS launch.

The folder 3DmigotoDCS_VR_x.y_openXR  used only with OpenXR mod and with Multi Threading version

    There is only one folder inside, with name "3dmigoto", copy this "3dmigoto" folder into the to the DCS game directory, under the \bin directory.
    The loader program ([DCSInstall]\bin\3dmigoto\3DMigoto Loader.exe) must start first before launching the DCS game. This loader program will open a MSDOS windows and wait for DCS to launch.
    The mod will be install in bin but will work for both standard ond MT version. It is useless to install it in bin-mt.

B-Install the optional features

    If you are not using the Mi24 install the 3DmigotoDCS_VR_suppress_mi24Fix to slightly reduce overhead
    If you are not using the shadow disabling install the 3DmigotoDCS_VR_suppress_shadowsFix to slightly reduce overhead
    if you are using reflecion fix, install 3DmigotoDCS_VR_21.1_reflection. As reflection ifx is now changing a file in DCS (Bazar\shaders\model\functions\glass.hlsl) I made it optional.

Note: You will have issue if DCS is installed in "program file" directory: it will not be possible to save your settings due to windows protection mechanism. You could try to move DCS as explained here (I did not test it) or launch DCS in administrator mode (in this case 3DMigoto Loader.exe should also be launch in admin. mode, if OpenXR mod is to be used)

Unsintallation : It is best to use Jsgme or ovgme, but you can use the provided uninstall.bat

The mod has been tested with the graphics settings joined.
Is is not compatible with kegetys mod.
Global cockpit illumination and SSAA should be off.

It may eat 2 to 5 fps.

This mod is only possible because of the work of people making the Helix or 3Dmigoto libs, see http://helixmod.blogspot.com or https://github.com/bo3b/3Dmigoto/releases
Sharpen algorithm and lot of code for it taken from here : https://astralcode.blogspot.com/2018/11/reverse-engineering-rendering-of_13.html
FXAA algorithm and lot of code for it taken from here : http://blog.simonrodriguez.fr/articles/30-07-2016_implementing_fxaa.html

07/02/2023: stable  and OB => version 22.3 fix for NVG convergence
05/19/2023: stable  and OB => version 22.0 compatibility with OB, cleaning.
2023/04/14 for stable and OB => 21.4 bug fix: sharpen and color changes were applied 2 times wiht MT
2023/04/11 for stable and OB => v21.3  compatibility with, bug fix for MSAAx2 and X4, color and sharpen disabled when in map display
03/18/2023/ table and OB => version 21.1 compatibility with, new fix for reflexion bazed on shader identified by Taz1004, new pakage to disable Mi24 and shadow fixes and enable reflection
01/20/2022: Stable and Open beta=>version 19.0 : new feature to lighten Mi24 moving map, menu for NS430, fix and cleaning.
10/10/2022: Stable and Open beta=>version 17.0 :  new features for NS430 GPS and Mi24
09/25/2022 and OB =>version 16.6.1 : compatibility with
04/29/2022: compatibilty with OB, bug fixes, cleaning and usage of bytecode hash to reduce sensibility for code change
04/21/2022: Stable and Open beta : bug fixes, cleaning and usage of bytecode hash to reduce sensibility for code change
03/25/2022: Stable and Open beta : compatibility with last OB and AH64 rotor hiding option.
02/06/2022: stable and Open beta new option to control NVG noise, new shaders fixes for bombs and A10C guns fps drops
01/24/2022: stable and OB => version 13.1.1 bug fixe : red color for cockpit when MSAA2x and color change
14/01/2022: stable and OB => version 13.0  flat shadow soften improvement + new menu option to remove them if needed, bug fixes
12/29/2021: beta => version 12.0, flat shadow options, performance optimization for CBU and minigun, cleaning.
04/16/2021: beta => version 10.0, compatibility with 2.7.0
02/26/2021: stable and beta => version 9.4, revamp for performance improvement+bug fixes (color & labels) + Hud sharpen = 80% sharpen value + good d3dx.ini + NVG fix
02/13/2021: stable and beta => version 9.3, revamp for performance improvement+bug fixes (color & labels) + Hud sharpen = 80% sharpen value + good d3dx.ini
02/13/2021: stable and beta => version 9.2, revamp for performance improvement+bug fixes (color & labels) + Hud sharpen = 80% sharpen value
02/07/2021: stable and beta => version 9.1, revamp for performance improvement+label shader that was missing in 9.0
02/06/2021: stable and beta => version 9.0, revamp for performance improvement.
01/29/2021: stable and beta => version 8.2, bug fixes, object coordinates are now copied instead of cursor coordinate if object is selected.
01/09/2021: stable and beta => version 8.1, sharpen for HUD, FXAA fixes
12/28/2020: stable and beta => version 8.0, FXAA, Haze settings, cockpit sharpen enabled for MSAA
12/19/2020: beta => version 7.4, compatibility with
10/06/2020: beta&stable => version 7.3, compatibility with, merged version for both beta and stable(only few shader are different, for cockpit reflect)
07/22/2020: beta => version 7.2, compatibility with, bug fixes
06/15/2020: stable => version 6.0, compatibily with
06/15/2020: beta => version 7.1 bug fix
06/13/2020: beta => version 7.0 compatibily with
02/08/2020: version 3.2 : compatibility with OB and stable, bug fixes
01/12/2020: version 3.1 : bug fixes
12/29/2019: version 3.0.0 : compatibility with OB and stable, sharpen, new zoom & NVG setting mode with help text, setting for PP fix for spyglass zoom, bug fixes
12/14/2019: version 2.8.0 : bug fixes (message copy should work with all maps, icon masking should also work in all situation)
12/08/2019: version 2.7.0 : compatibility with stable and OB DCS, support for spyglass VR zoom without PP for Pimax.
09/08/2019: version 2.6.3 : compatibility with and stable version, improved copy/paste for radio messages, add convergence for NVG view, fix for F18 HUD
08/31/2019: version 2.6.2 : bug fix
08/25/2019: version 2.6.1 : added 2 missing shader for MSAA2x and MSAA4x (needed for PP fix, color modification and radio messages copy)
08/15/2019: version 2.6 : compatibility with
08/04/2019: version 2.5.1 : fix cusor and kneepad too dark by default
08/03/2019: version 2.5 : bug fixes, no more need to declare PS shaders for label masking, normal and modded zoom can be stacked, support for kegetys mod (but only for specific settings)
07/07/2019: version 2.3 : compatibility with
06/27/2019: version 2.2: label masking is working in 2D mode
06/10/2019: version 2.1 : support of MSAA 2X and 4X, added shaders for Normandy and Persian Gulf maps
06/09/2019: version 2.0 : compatibility with Open Beta and copy/paste for radio and map coordinates
06/01/2019; version 1.8.1 there was a mistake in config. file for Pimax PP Fix
06/01/2019; version 1.8, glitch with sea  and PP fix out of sync with zoom fixed
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 任何语言
  • 大小: 8.82 Mb
  • 下载数: 7390
  • 评论: 10