Las Vegas Variable Attack (SP and MP)

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DCS World 2.9

Las Vegas Variable Attack (SP and MP)

Загрузил - Apache600
Дата - 30.03.2018 19:11:06
- Version 2.6 -
This is an all-in-one style Air-Ground, Air-Air attack mission for the NTTR map, and supports every flyable platform in DCS. All platforms start at Nellis.
In order to activate a mission, you MUST select it through the F10 radio menu option.

Once completed with a mission, you will have the option of selecting a new mission. You must first complete the mission assigned before moving on to a new one.

All Helo Missions (except for Break-Thru) require at least one helicopter that can pick up troops. That would only be the Mi-8, Mi-24, or the UH-1 at this time.
None of the aircraft (except for helo's that are "ground starts") have ordinance already loaded. So don't forget! To load weapons, you may have to press Left ALT and ' (period key for the MiG-21) -Those are for default key bindings- This is because I've noticed that trying to do the re-arm option through the radio menu doesn't seem to work all the time.

CTLD only meant for Helo "Break-thru" mission.
Only Mi-8's and Huey's can do rescue mission pickups right now.

Mission List:
- Unattended Depots: 3 Missions
- City Missions: 5 Easy Missions, 5 Medium Missions, 3 Hard Missions
- Country Missions: 4 Easy Missions, 4 Medium Missions, 4 Hard Missions (for Tonopah mission, only fixed wing set off triggers)
- Strike Missions: The Beatty Bomber, A Primm Pounding, Laughlin Bridges, FedEx Express (only fixed wing set off triggers)
- Helo Missions: Break-Thru, Hoover Dam Hoist, Boulder Bastille, VIP Pickup
- Air-Air Missions: Helo Intercept, WWII and Korean Menace, Vietnam Vengeance, Modern Mayhem, Transport and Bomber Pick-Off, Large CAP Groups

Mission Still Under Construction:
- Helo Missions: Stratosphere Sling

Ground Mission Difficulty definitions:
Unattended Depots: No enemy return fire.
Easy - Intended to be completed by a single player. Air defense includes small arms and vehicle mounted machine guns.
Medium - Can be completed by a more competent single player, but really intended for 2+ players. Air defense includes AAA vehicles (guns) some with radar capability. And a possible short range IR SAM unit.
Hard - Intended for a small group, or team, of players. Air defense includes multiple SAM's, both IR and Radar.

Air Mission Difficulty definitions: (These missions are mainly built for 1-2 players, except for the "Large Cap Group's" air missions. Those are more suited for larger groups of players flying together.)
Easy - Either a few non-retaliatory aircraft, or a single fighter with guns only.
Medium - One or more retaliatory aircraft. Short range missiles are possible.
Hard - Multiple retaliatory aircraft with possibility of both short and long range missiles.

AWAC's is available at 251Mhz (Chan 7 for aircraft that need it, Chan F for Viggen) AWAC is set to Immortal and Invisible.
Easy Comm is enabled at this time for those aircraft that are out of Freq range for AWAC's.

Update Log:

v2.6:   Added F-4E, MB-339’s, FC 2024 platforms, F-15E, CH-47, OH-58
          Every Jet and Helo platform can Dynamically Spawn at Nellis (as well as the  Rescue Helo’s via traditional Spawn Slots)
          Removed Helo FARP.

v2.5:  Added 4 F1-CE’s
          Added 3 MB-339 Placeholders
          Removed 2 C-101 EB’s
          Fixed trigger issues that caused radio menu problems when AutoComplete used
          Updated Helo base briefing page
          Condensed strike and helo mission briefing images together (reduced overall file size by 14% / 2.4mb)

v2.4:  All Blue flights coalition changed to Blue Task Force
          Added 4 AH-64’s
          F-14A’s quick alignment added.
         Mountain Rescue mission, if failed, will correctly clear units and start over mission selection option

v2.3:  Added 4 Mi-24’s
           Added 4 AH-64 Placeholders
           Added 4

v2.2:  Added 4 Mi-24’s
          Added 4 AH-64 Placeholders
          Added 4 F4U Placeholders
          Added 4 Mosquito Placeholders
          Removed 2 Field Mi-8’s and 2 Field UH-1’s to make way for Mi-24’s
          Removed a number of FARPS at the Helo spawn location

v2.1:  Updated atmospheric conditions for new cloud system

v2.0:  P-47-40’s are correct platform in client list now.
          Added 2 F-14A’s  
          Fixed briefing issue with Air - Air missions

v1.9:  Added 4 A-10C II’s
          Added 2 P-47-40’s.  Replaced 2 P-47-30’s with P-47 Early’s

v1.8:  Added 4 P-47’s
          Removed AAR probes from JF-17
          Trigger fixes for Beatty Bomber and VIP Rescue missions

v1.7:  Added 4 F-16’s.
          Added 4 JF-17’s.

v1.6:  F-14’s now have INS reference alignment stored.
          Added 4 I-16’s.
          Added 4 Fw-190 A8’s.
          Added 4 F-16 placeholders.
          Added 4 JF-17 placeholders.
          CEII’s can now complete the “FedEX express” mission.

v1.5:  Added 4 F-14B’s.
          Added 4 MiG-19’s.
          Added 4 Yak-52’s. (both 2 and 3 blade versions)
          Added 2 CEII’s.
          Added Helicopter mission: Mountain Rescue.
          Fixed triggers for Boulder Bastille.
          Fixed triggers for Modern Mayhem.
          Delayed spawn of enemy air in all A2A missions so audio brief is uninterrupted.
          Added “Auto-Complete” radio option for all missions.  
             - This allows you to quit a mission you no longer wish to do, or have already completed.
          Overhauled Airport Diagram and Target Information briefing pages.
          Added 3 MOI (Mod of Interest) aircraft. Editors can easily swap out those platforms.
          P-51 group split to include both 25 and 30 models.
          Spitfire group split to include both Standard and Clipped wing variants.
          Removed all Hawk aircraft.

v1.4:  Skipped public release due to internal testing.

v1.3:  12 F-18 aircraft added.  4 slots are dedicated to the F-18.  
          8 of these are in 2 seperate groups called POI (Planes of Interest).
          POI aircraft are intended to to shift to any new aircraft that any editor may want.

v1.2:  3 J-11's added, and 1 SU-27 removed.
          2 of the SA-342 helos (one M and one Mistal) replaced with Minigun versions.
          Fixed trigger issues with Boulder Bastille and Hoover Dam Heist missions.
          "Restart Mission" radio option removed, functionality seems to be broken.

v1.1:  "Restart Mission" radio option now functioning properly.
  • Лицензия: Свободная - Бесплатная версия, Неограниченное распр.
  • Язык: Английский
  • Размер файла: 14.14 Мб
  • Скачано: 3059
  • Комментариев: 14
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