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DCS: F-5E Remastered

Richiede la versione DCS World 2.9.9 o superiore!

L’F-5E è stato sviluppato negli Stati Uniti all’inizio degli anni ’70 come versione migliorata dell’F-5A. Questo eccezionale caccia leggero multiruolo è stato inizialmente progettato come un progetto finanziato privatamente. I ruoli di combattimento dell’F-5E includono sia missioni aria-aria che attacchi aria-terra non guidati. Negli Stati Uniti si è distinto anche come aereo avversario nei combattimenti simulati. Grazie alla sua flessibilità operativa, facilità d’uso e costi ridotti, l’F-5E continua a servire forze aeree come quelle di Iran, Svizzera e altri paesi.

L’F-5E è armato con due cannoni M39-A3 da 20 mm, ognuno con 280 colpi. I cannoni sono posizionati nella sezione anteriore e sono dotati di deflettori che dirigono i gas caldi lontano dalle prese d’aria del motore. Ogni cannone ha una cadenza di tiro di 1.500-1.700 colpi al minuto.

Le estremità delle ali integrano rotaie di lancio capaci di sparare missili a guida infrarossa AIM-9.

Localizzazione: Inglese, Russo

Free disk space is required: 2.53 Gb

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DCS: OH-58D Kiowa Warrior

Richiede la versione DCS World 2.9.5 o superiore!

Experience the ultimate in rotary-wing aviation with the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior in DCS World. This meticulously crafted simulation brings the legendary reconnaissance and light attack helicopter to life with unparalleled accuracy and detail. Fly low through challenging terrains, utilizing the Kiowa Warrior's advanced sensor suite and weaponry to dominate the battlefield. With its authentic flight dynamics, interactive cockpits, and realistic mission scenarios, the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior offers an immersive experience for both seasoned pilots and newcomers alike. Whether you're conducting reconnaissance missions or providing aerial support to ground units, the Kiowa Warrior delivers a truly thrilling and tactical flying experience.

Step into the cockpit of the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior alone or in multicrew with a friend to share the adventure. The module features a highly detailed 3D model, complete with functioning avionics, MFDs, and a working Mast-Mounted Sight. Utilize the Level 2 Manned-Unmanned System to view aerial drone footage, or scan the battlefield using the sensors of other Kiowa Warriors. Share targets with the Improved Data Modem or call in Remote Hellfire Missions with other Kiowa pilots to coordinate attacks. With a wide range of weaponry available including AGM-114K Hellfires, FIM-92 Air-To-Air Stinger missiles and laser-guided rockets the Kiowa Warrior is prepared for any engagement.

Free disk space is required: 242 Mb

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Richiede la versione DCS World 2.9.7 o superiore!

The Boeing CH-47F Chinook fondly referred to as 'The Hook' by US military personnel, stands today as the premier multi-mission rotary wing aircraft in use with the US Army, US Army Reserve, National Guard and 20 other nations including Canada, the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Japan, Italy, Greece, Spain, South Korea, Australia, Türkiye, India and the United Arab Emirates. Embodying a unique tandem rotor design this massive helicopter excels in all its roles, including cargo and troop transportation, sling load operations, search and rescue, casualty evacuation, special operations, and humanitarian assistance in disaster scenarios.

Engineered for exceptional stability and control, the CH-47F twin engine, tandem rotor configuration ensures maximum agility and facilitates straightforward loading and unloading procedures. This design uniquely positions the CH-47F for operation in environments inaccessible to others. The absence of tail rotor interference permits rear ramp access on varied terrains, including unprepared or mountainous locations, capitalising on its remarkable landing capability. Furthermore, the aircraft's design facilitates high-altitude flight up to 20,000 feet, surpassing other helicopters in its weight category.

Free disk space is required: 4 Gb

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DCS: F-4E Phantom II

Richiede la versione DCS World 2.9.5 o superiore!

The F-4 Phantom II is an American two-seat, twin-engine, all-weather, long-range supersonic jet interceptor and fighter-bomber originally developed by McDonnell Aircraft for the United States Navy. After entering service with the Navy in 1961, it became adopted by the United States Marine Corps and United States Air Force. Due to its high adaptability, versatility and for its time, unparalleled capabilities, it quickly turned into the main workhorse for all 3 branches and spread beyond the borders of the United States, going on to serve and protect 12 nations across the world, with Phantoms still in operation today. Its production ran from 1958 to 1981, and with nigh 5200 Phantoms built, it became the most produced supersonic US military aircraft in the history, solidifying its place as one of the most recognizable and well known aircraft of the cold war era.

Localizzazione: Inglese

Free disk space is required: 8 Gb

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DCS: F/A-18C

Richiede la versione DCS World 2.5.2 o superiore!

Il nostro F/A-18C è il frutto di oltre 40 anni uomo di intensa attività di ricerca e sviluppo tecnologico, creatività artistica e scrittura di codice innovativo. L'F/A-18C porta il primo vero caccia multiruolo, con impressionanti capacità sia nel combattimento aria-terra sia in quello aria-aria, nei cieli di DCS World.

Il modulo DCS: F/A-18C viene inizialmente rilasciato in accesso anticipato: durante questo periodo verranno aggiunte diverse funzionalità, tra cui svariati sensori, armi e sottosistemi.

Localizzazione: Cinese, Tedesco, Inglese, Francese

Free disk space is required: 1000 Mb

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DCS: Iraq Map

Richiede la versione DCS World 2.9.10 o superiore!

Vivi l'intera portata dell'ambiente diversificato e ricco di storia dell'Iraq con DCS: Iraq. Vola su tutto il paese, dai deserti del sud alle montagne del nord, e immergiti in un paesaggio che è stato lo sfondo di alcune delle campagne aeree più significative della storia.

Con oggetti a terra e texture esclusive di alta qualità, DCS: Iraq offre un realismo e un dettaglio senza pari. Partecipa a missioni e campagne estese che coprono vari periodi storici e approfitta degli effetti ambientali migliorati che danno vita alla regione come mai prima d'ora.

Free disk space is required: 111 Gb

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DCS: Iraq North Map

Richiede la versione DCS World 2.9.10 o superiore!

Immergiti nei terreni accidentati e nelle regioni di grande significato storico dell'Iraq settentrionale. Questo modulo offre un ambiente riccamente dettagliato con paesaggi montuosi, fiumi e centri urbani che sono stati al centro di numerose operazioni militari. Dall'antica città di Mosul ai ricchi giacimenti petroliferi di Kirkuk, l'Iraq settentrionale presenta un teatro impegnativo e vario.

Metti alla prova le tue abilità di navigazione, combattimento e pianificazione tattica mentre voli su una regione che combina bellezza naturale e importanza strategica. Questo è l'ambiente perfetto per un'esperienza immersiva in cui praticare il combattimento aria-aria o fornire supporto alle forze di terra.

Free disk space is required: 111 Gb

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DCS: Afghanistan Map

Richiede la versione DCS World 2.9.6 o superiore!

20 years of the War on Terror and the Soviet operations of the 1980s place Afghanistan as one of the most important combat theatres of the past half century. Few war zones have ever seen more A-10C, AH-64D, F-16C, F/A-18C, CH-47F, Mi-24P, Mi-8MTV2, and Su-25 sorties than this.

The entirety of Afghanistan and small portions of neighbouring countries will be available, showcasing our latest map technologies.

Free disk space is required: 75.35 Gb

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DCS: Kola Map

Richiede la versione DCS World 2.9.4 o superiore!

Orbx presenta la mappa DCS: Kola, che copre il nord della Norvegia, la Svezia, la Finlandia e l'Oblast di Murmansk della Russia e parti della regione della Carelia. La mappa include ampie aree del Mare di Barents e del Mare del Nord a nord e ovest, ideali per le operazioni dei portaelicotteri. La mappa “DCS: Kola di Orbx” è rappresentata nello stato attuale, con alcune concessioni per le caratteristiche e funzionalità militari della fine della Guerra Fredda.

La mappa si estende per circa 1.400 km da est a ovest e per 1.000 km da nord a sud, con più di 575.000 km quadrati di terra e una superficie totale di circa 1.350.000 km quadrati. Il confine meridionale si allinea approssimativamente con i 65 gradi di latitudine, il che significa che la maggior parte dell'area della mappa ricade all'interno del Circolo Polare Artico. La mappa di Kola copre vari paesaggi naturali, dalle spettacolari fjord e catene di isole alle vaste aree forestali con miriadi di laghi e zone umide, fino alle montagne rocciose e alla tundra artica. Città, paesi, miniere, porti e corridoi infrastrutturali hanno tutte caratteristiche uniche determinate dalla loro posizione e associazione culturale.

Free disk space is required: 145 Gb

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DCS: Southwest Afghanistan Map

Richiede la versione DCS World 2.9.6 o superiore!

DCS: Southwest Afghanistan area: 471381 sq km, 12 Unique highly detailed airfields

This is a region of the Afghanistan map. You can purchase the entire map here: DCS: Afghanistan.

20 years of the War on Terror and the Soviet operations of the 1980s place Afghanistan as one of the most important combat theatres of the past half century. Few war zones have ever seen more A-10C, AH-64D, F-16C, F/A-18C, CH-47F, Mi-24P, Mi-8MTV2, and Su-25 sorties than this.

Flexible purchase options provide customers the choice of purchasing one or more of three regions of Afghanistan: Southwest, East and North. Each region will be released in stages. You can pre-purchase DCS: Afghanistan Southwest for $23.99 instead of the release price in June 2024 which will be set at $29.99. DCS: Afghanistan East and Afghanistan North will be offered for purchase when they are ready.

Free disk space is required: 75.35 Gb

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DCS: Flaming Cliffs 2024

Richiede la versione DCS World 2.9.6 o superiore!

Flaming Cliffs (FC) 2024 is the next chapter of the popular Flaming Cliffs series that features an expanded list of aircraft: The F-5E FC, F-86F FC, and MiG-15bis FC. As with all FC aircraft, these additions are easy-to-learn, with less complex controls, and includes their DCS Professional Flight Models. The more accessible FC-style concept allows new and existing players to quickly jump into the action and have fun at an exceptionally advantageous price point.

Flaming Cliffs 2024 provides an unrivalled sense of flight that only DCS can offer. With impressive and highly realistic 3D modelling, powerful authentic weapons and ease of use, Flaming Cliffs is specifically designed for those of you looking for an unbeatable combat experience, without having to learn all the systems and a very large number of cockpit inputs typical of the full fidelity aircraft in DCS.

Localizzazione: Inglese, Russo

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DCS: F-16C Arctic Thunder Campaign

Richiede la versione DCS World 2.9.10 o superiore!

February 2024. Finland is on the verge of joining NATO, when the unthinkable happens: Russian armed forces push through the border while cruise missiles rain down on the country. Several western allies join the conflict at once to fight alongside their Finnish brothers in arms. Among them is the 112th Fighter Squadron of the Air National Guard, who had just arrived from a training exercise in the UK.

For the release of the DCS Kola map, Baltic Dragon and Reflected Simulations created a fictional scenario based on real life events and tactics. Fly a Viper with the legendary Stingers to defeat the invaders in Reflected Simulations’s version, or Strap into a Finnish Hornet and take off from a hidden road base in its twin campaign made by Baltic Dragon (These 2 campaigns are sold separately).

Localizzazione: Inglese


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DCS: F/A-18C Arctic Thunder Campaign

Richiede la versione DCS World 2.9.10 o superiore!

February 2024. Finland is on the verge of joining NATO, when the unthinkable happens: Russian armed forces push through the border while cruise missiles rain down on the country. Several western allies join the conflict at once to fight alongside their Finnish brothers in arms. Among them is the 112th Fighter Squadron of the Air National Guard, who had just arrived from a training exercise in the UK.

For the release of the DCS Kola map, Baltic Dragon and Reflected Simulations created a fictional scenario based on real life events and tactics. Fly a Viper with the legendary Stingers to defeat the invaders in Reflected Simulations’s version, or Strap into a Finnish Hornet and take off from a hidden road base in its twin campaign made by Baltic Dragon (These 2 campaigns are sold separately).

Localizzazione: Inglese


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DCS: F-16C Last Out: Weasels over Syria II Campaign

Richiede la versione DCS World 2.9.10 o superiore!

Strap back into the legendary F-16C Viper and re-enter the world of the Wild Weasels!

Rejoin Captain Dan 'Forrest' Wilson as he returns to the air to fight for supremacy over the Syrian skies in Last Out - Weasels Over Syria II. Picking up two weeks after the events of First In - Weasels over Syria, LOWOS will see the pilots of the 79th Fighter Squadron once again thrown into unforgiving combat as they battle for survival against the Syrian air defense network. YGBSM!

This detailed, exciting and immersive campaign will once again push virtual weasels to the limit!

Localizzazione: Inglese


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DCS: AH-64D Outpost Campaign

Richiede la versione DCS World 2.9.9 o superiore!

Explore the chronicles of the Syrian War in the OUTPOST campaign series. In the second installment, you'll dive into the events of 2012-2017, piloting the AH-64 Apache helicopter. Take on the role of U.S. pilots navigating through some of the most challenging phases of this conflict.

In the complex geopolitical landscape, Syria serves as a key outpost for both Russia and the United States. Beyond being a central battleground against terrorism, Syria has become a stage for the rivalry between global powers, each pursuing their strategic interests and shaping international relations.

Localizzazione: Inglese


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DCS: F-16C Dragon's Fury Campaign

Richiede la versione DCS World 2.9.9 o superiore!

Dragon's Fury: DCS F-16 Viper is a fictional story-based campaign that will test your skills using the DCS F-16 Viper in a variety of missions while you operate with the 23rd Fighter Squadron, The Fighting Hawks.

In this 15 missions campaign you will fly the DCS F-16 Viper as part of the 23rd Fighter Squadron. The campaign starts after your deployment in Guam, where you are stationed at the Andersen AFB. At the start of the campaign, you will be involved in an escalating conflict between US troops and Chinese PLN and PLA forces that are attacking the Mariana Islands under the pretext of helping Chamorro Nation gaining independence.

Localizzazione: Inglese


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All prices are in USD.