Software for integrating DCS with LCD of Logitech G13 / G15 / G510 / G19 DCSpy ------- DCSpy is able to pull information from DCS aircraft and display on Logitech G-series keyboards LCD. It supports: * Logitech device with 160x43 px (4 lines) monochrome LCD - **G13**, **G15 (v1 and v2)** and **G510** * Logitech device with 320x240 px (8 lines) full RGBA LCD - **G19** Details ------- * Installation - * See more information on https:// ...
Data: 11/20/2020
Profile for G13 in Logitech Game Software Ka-50 panels: - PVI-800 Navigaton Control Panel - ABRIS Advanced Moving Map System - PRTz Data Links Control Panel What is included: ------------------- 1. xml profile for LGS - M1 PVI-800 (red proflie) - M2 ABRIS (green profile) - M3 PRTz Data Link (yellow profile) 2. LibreOffice Draw odg file with color all profiles (and empty/clean template) 3. Color screenshoots with key mapping Note: I added the same colors and key names as in ...
Data: 03/28/2020

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