Trail of Tears campaign for Ka-50 DCS 2.5

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DCS: World 2.5

Trail of Tears campaign for Ka-50 DCS 2.5

Tipo - Campagna
Caricata da - aiye400
Data - 15.02.2020 09:21:40
Recently tensions between Russia and Georgia have escalated, and the world now watches as the area is once again on the brink of war.<br />
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You are Uzi 1-1, Flight Lead of Georgia's best flight of Ka-50 attack helicopters. You have been moved to the military airport of Gudauta to prepare for whatever may come from the rise in tensions between your Nation and neighboring Russia. Both sides are building up military strength along the border in a show of force. You will use all of your training and expertise to help your Country be safe from the seemingly constant pressure from Russia.<br />
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*****This is a short 7 mission campaign that spans across a 1 month war with Russia. You will be tasked with attack, escort, and support missions. The missions are all fairly short, and do not have monotonous hour long ferry flights to and from places. Some missions can be skipped. Heavy use of the F10 Radio menu will help keep Command informed of your actions and requests. Some missions have additional tasks that can be accessed through the radio menu. You control when the mission ends via the radio menu.<br />
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This is my first campaign and hopefully will be bug free. Please let me know if there are any issues. Like most missions, stick to the waypoints to make sure all triggers activate. Voicing was done by Windows text to speech voices, so please forgive some of the flat dialogue.*****
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, non ridistribuire
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 29.52 Mb
  • Scaricato: 1062
  • Commenti: 9
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